Please contribute
You are invited to participate in this exciting opportunity by contributing
to the David Simpson Fund for Innovation.
On May 8, 2014, IRIS celebrated our 30th anniversary. Founded in 1984 with 40 member universities, the IRIS Consortium has grown to 126 Member Universities, 128 Foreign Affiliates, and 22 Educational Affiliates. Over three decades, IRIS has facilitated scientific discoveries at the forefront of the Earth sciences and fostered collaborations and partnerships between a broad spectrum of scientists crossing international borders and boundaries between government, industry, and academics. We have inspired and enriched the education of thousands of individuals who’ve gone on to pursue careers in government, industry, and academics, in addition to thousands of others who now have a greater understanding of Earth science and seismology and the ways that our lives are shaped by and in return influence a range of Earth processes.
To encourage and sustain the spirit of innovation and community engagement that is a hallmark of IRIS, the Board of Directors established an Innovation Fund in honor of David Simpson as he completed his 23 years of service as IRIS President. The David Simpson Fund for Innovation seeks to extend our long and successful public partnership with the National Science Foundation to leverage private support to help sustain IRIS’ vision for a future built on quality programs, first-class standards, and continued collaboration with its members through an expanding partnership of public and private support. Winston Chan graciously agreed to seed this fund with a generous challenge grant of $100,000.
The intention of the Fund is to provide the Consortium with a source of un-restricted funds that the Board can designate to stimulate new initiatives and develop new ventures. Emphasis is placed on ways to increase community outreach and leverage development of new resources that expand the Consortium's reach, supporting the next generation of early career scientists, expanding international engagement, enhancing the visibility of research in seismology, and developing interactions with industry.
You are invited to participate in this exciting opportunity by contributing
to the David Simpson Fund for Innovation.
Tax-deductible contributions can be made by check and mailed to:
Fund for Innovation