Jamaica—Tectonics and Earthquakes

5min 58s Novice

  • Animation
  • Closed Captioning for Jamaica
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How do the tectonic and geologic processes affect the region?

Jamaica straddles the Caribbean Plate and the Gonâve Microplate, the largest of four microplates that are caught in a crunch between the North American and Caribbean Plates. Jamaica has had a long history of deadly earthquakes; the biggest in 1692 and 1907. The rapid growth of Kingston has prompted Jamaica's Office of Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management's to actively promote awareness of earthquake hazards and personal protective actions. 

CLOSED CAPTIONING: .srt file is included with the download. Use an appropriate media player to utilize captioning.


  • Jamaica straddles the boundary between two plates: major & micro
  • The boundary is left-lateral strike slip with rates of motion ~1 cm/yr
  • Most of the earthquakes occur on or near the boundaries
  • The last major quake was in 1907
  • Kingston, built chiefly on sand and gravel, is vulnerable to shaking and liquefaction.


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