New Madrid: Present-day Earthquakes & Faults Open


  • N.M. Present-day Earthquakes: Flash
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 Where are the earthquake faults related to the New Madrid earthquake today?

There are four major faults in and around the Reelfoot Rift related to earthquakes in the New Madrid area. This interactive map shows where the faults are.

The links above to other interactives and animations offers much detail about related features. 

ABOUT TO GO AWAY: IRIS is going to discontinue Flash animations in 2020. If you have a Flash player app and would like a copy, download this .swf file.


Related Interactives

There are four major faults in and around the Reelfoot Rift related to earthquakes in the New Madrid area.

Interactive Novice

Many residents along the Mississippi experienced vigorous ground shaking and wrote about it in 1811 and 1812. Touch spots on map to read accounts of the devastation.  For example, for spot #10, hover over the spot to watch an animation about how the river ran backwards (as witnessed by local residents.)

Interactive Novice

Raw seismic data gives us information about the ground beneath us. This interactive cross section shows faults beneath the New Madrid area.

Interactive Novice

Learn about past large earthquakes, liquefaction, seismicity, sand blows, and landslides in this interactive map.

Interactive Novice

A sand blow is sand and water that come out onto the ground surface during an earthquake as a result of liquefaction. Also known as a "Sand boil."

Interactive Novice

Scroll over the timeline from 1800 to 2010 to see the population of the United States grow to see what the impact of the 1811-1812 New Madrid earthquake would have today.

Interactive Novice

Related Software-Web-Apps

The IRIS Earthquake Browser (IEB) is an interactive tool for exploring millions of seismic event epicenters (normally earthquakes) on a map of the world. Selections of up to 5000 events can also be viewed in 3D and freely rotated with the 3D Viewer companion tool. 

Software-Web-App Novice