BOD Election 2015 - Candidate Profile

Cliff Thurber


Department of Geoscience

University of Wisconsin-Madison


1992 - Present Professor of Geophysics Department of Geoscience, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1989 - 1992 Associate Professor of Geophysics Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
1986 - 1989 Associate Professor of Geophysics Department of Earth and Space Sciences, SUNY-Stony Brook
1981 - 1986 Assistant Professor of Geophysics Department of Earth and Space Sciences, SUNY-Stony Brook
1976 - 1981 Ph.D. in Geophysics Massachusetts Institute of Technology
1971 - 1975 A.B. in Physics Cornell University


1985 - Present IRIS Institutional Representative (primary) University of Wisconsin-Madison
2012 Instructor IRIS DS Advanced Studies Institute on Earthquake Location
2002 Chair IRIS Nominations Committee
2002 Co-Organizer IRIS Annual Workshop
1999 - 2002 Member IRIS Executive Committee (now Board of Directors)
1997 - 2001 Member IRIS Instrumentation Subcommittee
1995 - 1999 Member IRIS PASSCAL Standing Committee
1995 Member PASSCAL Instrument Scheduling Committee
1993 Session Co-Organizer IRIS Annual Workshop
1992 Member IRIS Nominations Committee
1990 - 1992 Member PASSCAL Instrument Scheduling Committee
1990 Co-Organizer IRIS Annual Workshop
1988 - 1990 Member IRIS Executive Committee (now Board of Directors)
1986 - 1988 Secretary IRIS Executive Committee (now Board of Directors)

Selected Other Service to the Seismological Community

2014 - Present Member EarthScope Science Steering Committee
2011 Co-Chair GeoPRISMS Implementation Workshop: Subduction Cycles and Dynamics
2011 Instructor Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute
2011 Co-Convenor GeoPRISMS Planning Workshop for the Alaska Primary Site
2010 - 2012 Member GeoPRISMS Steering and Oversight Committee
2009 - 2010 Member MARGINS Steering Committee
1999 - 2010 Associate Editor Journal of Geophysical Research
1992 Member DARPA Nuclear Monitoring Research Advisory Panel


I am running for election to the IRIS Board of Directors because this is the most critical time for IRIS in recent years and, having "grown up" with IRIS over the last 30 years, my goal is to help guide IRIS so that it can continue to serve the seismological community for many years to come.  I believe my years of involvement with IRIS, both on committees and as an instrumentation and data user, have prepared me well to serve on the Board of Directors once more.  NSF has mandated that the "SAGE" facilities that are currently part of the overall IRIS Consortium be operated exclusively as facilities beginning in 2018.  This means that IRIS needs to be restructured or in some ways reinvented in order to compete successfully for the facilities operations and in order that all the key non-facility aspects of IRIS (in particular the IRIS community itself) continue to flourish.  IRIS is without doubt a stellar example of how the scientific community can manage facilities and develop a deeply integrated program that together have incredible synergy.  Although I don't expect to be around 30 years from now, perhaps with our collective vision IRIS will be.  It would be an honor to serve on the Board of Directors again and help chart the course of IRIS for the next few years and beyond.