A wide range of seismological research depends critically on carefully made instrumental observations. This is true whether the target is Earth’s core, continental-scale structure, or shallow sediments at Earth’s surface. This is true whether using signals of thousands of seconds period (to study Earth’s free oscillations, mega-earthquakes, and the response to tidal forcing); or signals of tens to thousands of Hertz (for high-resolution structural mapping and near-source studies). This is true whether making observations of a few seconds duration (to capture an active-source explosion); or decadal-scale observations (to capture the evolution of subduction zones and even global climate). The NSF SAGE Facility Instrumentation Services (IS) provides the infrastructure for these observations, whether by deploying and operating stations, making sensors available to others, setting and promoting global standards, or guiding the development of new observational technologies. Further, IS ensures these varied efforts are coordinated and efficient, best practices are identified, implemented, and documented, and knowledge is shared toward the common goal of enhancing capability, quality, and cost performance of observational seismology.
Instrumentation Services currently facilitates several major ongoing community efforts through hosting meetings, developing resources, and spearheading new initiatives: