BOD Election 2017 - Candidate Profile

Sridhar Anandakrishnan


Department of Geosciences and the Earth and Environmental Systems Institute

Pennsylvania State University


2009 - Present Professor Department of Geosciences and the Environmental Institute, Pennsylvania State University
2002 - 2009 Associate Professor Department of Geosciences and the Environmental Institute, Pennsylvania State University
1999 - 2001 Assistant Professor Department of Geology, University of Alabama
1992 - 1998 Research Associate Department of Geosciences and the Earth System Science Center, Pennsylvania State University
1990 - 1991 Senior Geophysicist Mobil R & D Corporation
1990 Ph.D., Dept. of Geology and Geophysics University of Wisconsin, Madison
1982 - 1983 BS/MS, Electrical Engineering Columbia University


2015 Presenter Future Geophysical Facilities Workshop
2014 - 2016 Member Science Advisory Committee
2009 - 2011 Member Polar Networks Advisory Committee
2008 Presenter Seismological Grand Challenges Workshop

Selected Other Service to the Seismological Community

2015 - 2016 Geosciences Representative for Polar Research Board Scientific Committee for Antarctic Research (SCAR)
2013 - 2017 Member Polar Research Board
2007 - 2010 Member, Vice Chair and Chair UNAVCO Board of Directors
2007 - 2009 Member NSF OPP Committee of Visitors
2001 - 2005 Member and Chair NSF Office of Polar Programs Office Advisory Committee


IRIS has a central role in seismological research and increasingly in climate-related sciences such as  glaciological research.  In the coming years, as the NGEO proposal is evaluated and implemented, the IRIS community will benefit from closer cooperation and integration with the geodetic community represented by UNAVCO.  I have been involved with seismological and geodetic research my entire career, with emphasis on Polar and cryospheric research.  I have been involved in IRIS and UNAVCO governance, as well as working with NSF committees and programs.  Both IRIS and UNAVCO have exciting opportunities, significant challenges and fundamental changes ahead.  I am happy to help the community by listening to students, researchers, and staff and providing advice and guidance and  as we move forward.