2021 AGU Workshop on Distributed Acoustic Sensing
Sunday, December 12th, 2021, 10am–4pm

The 2021 AGU Workshop on Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) Workshop will be held December 12, 2021 from 10-4pm CT as part of the hybrid 2021 AGU Fall Meeting.

Workshop Overview: This workshop is designed to introduce the AGU community of researchers to fiber-optic based acoustic sensing or DAS. DAS is capable of measuring strain and/or strain rate at thousands of locations over kilometers of optical fiber at frequencies covering the sub-Hertz to 20 kHz range!

Who should attend: DAS is now widely used in seismology, and has the potential to impact almost all of AGU’s Sections of earth and space sciences. The workshop will include discussions of opportunities in glaciology, ocean sciences, atmospheric sciences, hydrology, geodesy,
volcanology, geomorphology and even planetary sciences! The workshop is divided into two consecutive modules, the first designed for complete novices and will focus on the basics of operation. In the second module, emphasis will be on recent examples of DAS experiments as well as a comprehensive discussion on how to design a DAS-enabled experiment in boreholes, surface mode and in urban/infrastructure environments.
Instrument vendors will also be present to discuss current systems and how to adapt them to your research needs.

For more information, contact Scott Tyler (styler@unr.edu) or Herb Wang (hfwang@wisc.edu).

Registration: Sign up for the workshop when you register for the Fall 2021 meeting at: https://www.agu.org/Fall-Meeting. The cost of the workshop is $150. Travel support is available for early career participants.


  • Scott Tyler (University of Nevada, Reno)
  • Danica Roth (Colorado School of Mines)
  • Kate Leary (New Mexico Tech)
  • Yingping Li (BlueSkyDAS)
  • Herb Wang (University of Wisconsin Madison)

For more information on the DAS Research Coordination Network, please go to the DAS RCN website. If you are interested in future DAS events or opportunities, please subscribe to the DAS RCN mailing list.

The DAS RCN and its activities are supported by funding from the National Science Foundation under award EAR-1948737. Additional support for this event is provided by The University of Wisconsin, Madison, Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology (IRIS), The Centers for Transformative Environmental Monitoring Programs (CTEMPs), and The American Geophysical Union and a special thanks to Jim Colleton from AGU for behind the scenes organizing.

Sunday, December 12th, 2021, 10am–4pm at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Room 271-273

10:00 am
4:00 pm

Distributed Acoustic Sensing In Earth Sciences: From Novice To Cutting Edge

Sunday December 12, 2021: In person and virtual

10:00 am - 4:00 pm CST

New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Room 271-273

Virtual link has been sent out via email

The concept is a two-part workshop, early part devoted to people new to DAS and opportunities for questions and answers, followed by a second part focused on setting up a DAS experiment, new applications, instrument vendor demos, and close with discussion of community resources. 

Beginners’ Tutorial: We encourage our those new to Distributed Acoustic Sensing to review the following instructional videos PRIOR to the workshop

2018 Introductory Video from Nate Lindsey and Eileen Martin https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAcQ44YRMuM

2021 Introductory of DAS by Eileen Martin from the 2021 SAGE/GAGE workshop): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=afIzZyBpdU4&t=108s   (note that the introduction portion of this video runs the first 20 minutes of the video. Feel free to watch more if you like, but the first 20 minutes will be critical for the workshop

10:00 am
12:30 pm

Module 1: The Basics of DAS (focused primarily for those not familiar with DAS)

10:00-10:15: Welcome and Introductions: Scott Tyler, Herb Wang

10:15-11:00: Review of DAS functions, physics and subtleties: Dante Fratta and Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos

11:00-11:30: In depth Question and Answer

11:30-12:30: Early Break for Lunch

12:30 pm
4:00 pm

Module 2: DAS Applications, Experiences and Resources (accessible for all levels of users)

12:30-13:30: How to set up a DAS Experiment- Each Presentation 12 minutes plus 3 min for questions.

  • Surface Seismic: Febus Optics
  • Borehole: Silixa LLC and Yingping Li
  • Dark Fiber: OptaSense
  • Reminders of Lessons Learned: Jonathan Ajo-Franklin

13:30-14:00: Lightning Talks focusing on Earth Science applications 

  • Hydrology: Verónica Rodríguez Tribaldos
  • Glaciology: Fabian Walker
  • Geomorphology: Kate Leary

14:00-14:15: Break

14:15-14:45: Lightning Talks focusing on Earth Science applications (continued)

  • Geodesy: Matthew Becker 
  • Infrastructure: Peter Hubbard 
  • Volcanology: Sara Klaasen

14:45-15:30: Vendor Meet and Greet: Breakout rooms will be set up with instrument vendors for informal meetings with participants, and where appropriate, demonstrations. Workshop leaders will circulate between break out rooms to assist.

15:30-16:00: DAS Community Resources and Services


Note we have created a Slack Channel for participants to use prior and post-workshop: https://join.slack.com/t/2021agudasworkshop/shared_invite/zt-zmg8v3g5-iM8tQZiUlbs03Z3neOY1vg

3:00 pm
4:00 pm

Wednesday, December 15th, 2021, 3pm–4pm at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Convention Center - Poster Hall - Pod 4 and Online

Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Earth Science Applications Pod

These pods will bring together researchers working fiber-based distributed acoustic sensing, novices and instrument developers to discuss how DAS can be used. The Pods are supported by the National Science Foundation's Research Coordinating Network on Distributed Acoustic Sensing. All are welcome to join in person or virtually. instrument manufacturers will be available. If you are interested in joining virtually, please contact Scott Tyler (styler@unr.edu) for links to drop in.

3:00 pm
4:00 pm

Thursday, December 16th, 2021, 3pm–4pm at New Orleans Ernest N. Morial Convention Center Convention Center - Poster Hall - Pod 4 and Online

Distributed Acoustic Sensing for Earth Science Applications Pod

These pods will bring together researchers working fiber-based distributed acoustic sensing, novices and instrument developers to discuss how DAS can be used. The Pods are supported by the National Science Foundation's Research Coordinating Network on Distributed Acoustic Sensing. All are welcome to join in person or virtually. instrument manufacturers will be available. If you are interested in joining virtually, please contact Scott Tyler (styler@unr.edu) for links to drop in.