Standing Committee Meeting Report COCOM

November 2003

Report to ExCom

November 5–6, 2003 CoCom Meeting
IRIS DMC, Seattle, WA

Attendees:  Tim Ahern (IRIS), Rick Aster (NMT), Rhett Butler* (IRIS), Jim Fowler (IRIS), Shane Ingate (IRIS), David James (Carnegie), Thorne Lay (UCSC), Guust Nolet (Princeton), Tom Owens (USC), Candy Shin (IRIS), David Simpson (IRIS), John Taber* (IRIS). (*videoconferenced)

Regrets: Gary Pavlis (UIndiana).

Pan-IRIS Recommendations

CoCom approves the plans presented by the programs and HQ for use of carryover funds.  All funds will remain in the programs.  HQ can release up to $90,000 of (primarily) participant support costs to the “Opportunities Fund”.

CoCom recommends to ExCom that funding for the following new activities to be funded out of the Opportunities Fund.  Budgetary details of each need to be clarified, funding levels are for “escrow” purposes:

  • Workshop on the use of large vibratory sources (PASSCAL, $50K)
  • Prototype DAS purchase and testing (GSN, $100K)
  • Metadata workshop (DMS, $50K)

CoCom tasks itself with codifying the process leading to decisions for use of carryover and other funds at the Fall CoCom meeting.  This should be presented for approval at the January ExCom.

CoCom recommends that ExCom task each of the Program Standing Committees and HQ to assess the value of a Strategic Plan, such as the one completed by the DMS, or other “living document” intended to capture both the goals and history of the programs.

CoCom tasks Nolet and Ahern to serve as the primary POCs with the USGS for the discussions on the NEIC/ASL QC project.  A target date for the USGS report and the joint DMS/GSN meeting in Golden need to be worked out to be sure the report can be considered at the meeting.

CoCom recognizes that the Instrumentation Committee has been extremely busy and successful in the last 2 years reacting to many requests from the programs.  CoCom did express some concern that the Committee has not been as proactive as expected.  CoCom requests of ExCom to consider broadening the base membership to accommodate the extra work if a proactive committee is desired.  Alternately, CoCom suggests that leadership of the IC be identified on a project-by-project basis if the current “reactive” mode of operation is deemed appropriate.

Recommendations related to E&O

CoCom requests that ExCom approve the new E&O position to be situated at IRIS HQ using the FY04 funding profile proposed by E&O.

The AS-1 is a successful program and plans need to be made concerning its future course.  The E&O PM and SC Chair are asked to discuss the future of the AS-1 at their upcoming SC meeting. 

E&O is tasked with identifying the exact nature of the needs for the Seismic Explorer software.  This should be done in the context of an overall evaluation of E&O software needs.

Recommendations related to PASSCAL

A policy on mixed-use PASSCAL/EarthScope instrumentation will be presented to ExCom for review and approval.

CoCom is unanimous in its support of the creation of the PASSCAL Deputy Program Manager and requests ExCom’s approval.

EarthScope/USArray Issues

CoCom supports the revised Change Control process and asks ExCom to consider and review the proprietary USArray data policy proposed by PASSCAL SC.

CoCom reviewed the recommendation of the ANF Search Committee and supports if for consideration by ExCom.

CoCom recommends to ExCom that consideration be given to having MT be done by a contractor or other organization, and a RFP be developed.  Requirements in the RFP include stating that an environmental assessment of the equipment be made, and that the total funds available be stated.  Steve Park should be invited to help write the RFP if he is not conflicted.

To keep CoCom/ExCom better informed of both core program and USArray activities between meetings, interim information will be placed on a password-protected web page.  This page will include updates, notes on changes that affect the program that could not normally be presented through the EarthScope reporting process.

Next CoCom Meeting

22-23 April, 2004, at the UNAVCO Inc. facility, Boulder, CO.