Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

October 2003

Data Management System Standing Committee meeting

October 15–16, 2003

WHOI    Woods Hole, MA

USGS Data Annex

A simple resolution will be drafted and sent to Bill Leith (USGS) outlining the IRIS proposed scope of the data annex. It will discuss, among other things, seismological data from ANSS and USarray.

Legacy Data

Tim Ahern and Guust Nolet will draft a letter of encouragement to Jim Dewey (USGS and Chair of the SSA "Ad Hoc Committee on Digital Archiving of Historical Seismological Data") regarding IRIS acting as an archive for management and distribution of legacy data.

Legacy Data

The Moscow Data Center will be contacted regarding the status of their digitizing software and possible use of it with the proposed legacy data.


Guust will contact Jeroen Tromp and Seiji Tsuboi regarding XML SEED.

Strategic Plan

Tim and Guust will make final changes to the DMS Strategic Plan document and submit it to the COCOM.

UH Data

A letter will be sent to UH data requestors asking if cutting off the UH data would hamper their research.


A letter will be sent to the UCLA group who are requesting that IRIS archive the data from their free-field ground and building seismic network.

Software Exchange Website

Tim will contact Torild van Eck at ORFEUS regarding the collaborating on an updated Software Exchange library (or mirroring their site).

Metadata Workshop

Guust Nolet will contact program in Trieste to reserve dates in early Spring 2005 for metadata training workshop. He will also contact potential instructors for this program.

3-D and 4-D data representation

To develop some competency in these areas, a pilot project using Guust's Princeton PLUMES model and Gabi Laske's REM model could be undertaken. It should be in place by IRIS Workshop, where a SIG would be held with tomographers on distributing products.

Virtual Networks

A method of supporting virtual networks in data requests should be implemented. It should include the ability for a user to cerate a virtual network they define.