Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

March 2007

Data Management System Standing Committee meeting

Action Items

March 12-13, 2007
IRIS DMC, Seattle WA

Action Item 1:

    • Provide status of all PASSCAL experiments on the web with clickable options to allow sorting on fields.  Provide a web form that allows PIs to provide updates.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 2:

    • Investigate obtaining industry offshore marine seismic data from USGS – Menlo Park.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 3:

    • T. Ahern to talk to Suzan Carbotte regarding obtaining EM Seafloor data and decide what direction to proceed after that discussion.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 4:

    • Contact Canada Neptune to reaffirm that the seismic data will be sent to the IRIS DMC.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 5:

    • Consider defining virtual nets based upon type of seismometer.  The network will be our ‘best effort” but may not include all sensors of a particular type.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 6:

    • Derive long period data from broadband data for selected networks.  Consider GTSN and Canadian networks. 
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 7:

    • Create a working group to set criteria for defining SPYDER®/FARM products for USArray stations.  Chaired by M. Nettles, M. Flanagan, E. Brodsky and Paul Earle.  They are charged with providing a recommendation for comments to the DMSSC and TA working group. T. Ahern to send M. Nettles the previous criteria.
      Responsible: Meredith Nettles

Action Item 8:

    • Develop a plan to have user evaluation of software produced by the DMS by Fall 2007 SC meeting.
      Responsible: Tim Ahern

Action Item 9:

    • P. Davis will raise the issue of software maintenance at the appropriate committees for the instrument loan program.
      Responsible: Pete Davis

Action Item 10:

    • D. Wiens to bring up overall IRIS web page deficiencies to CoCom meeting. 
      Responsible: D. Wiens

Action Item 11:

    • IRIS DMS T. Knight and E. Brodsky to evaluate DMS web pages and suggest improvements.
      Responsible: E. Brodsky