Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

March 2008

IRIS HQ, Washington DC

March 13-14, 2008

Action Item 1:

Ask the CoCom again if there is any cross-program interest in establishing a Help Desk service for IRIS. Develop a recommendation.
Responsible: Wiens and Ahern

Action Item 2:

Creation of a 'rotation service' for non-standard sensor orientation.  This service will rotate data to North/South and East/West directions.
Responsible: No immediate action required, incorporate into a SOA framework when time allows.

Action Item 3:

Constitute a small working group/task force focused on evaluating and assessing outward-looking DMS software. Decide on group membership and charge. To be done by email.
Responsible: Wiens.

Action Item 4:

Create a statement regarding the serious negative impact of any reduction in the DMS technical staff, and supporting the need for a modest
increase in this staff.
Responsible: Flanagan and Casey

Action Item 5:

The DMSSC remains concerned about the amount of time high-level staff at the DMS have to spend answering basic user questions. The DMS should explore options for (1) tracking user inquiries; (2) providing a user forum where users can answer each other's questions and find answers to common questions (cf. GMT user forum); this might be in the form of a wiki page. The DMS should suggest 1-2 possibilities to address (1) and (2).
Responsible: Casey and Ahern

Action Item 6:

Bring the proposed policy statement for re-distribution of IRIS data to the COCOM for their approval.  
Responsible: Wiens

Action Item 7:

Write and submit a citable published article for the DMS, analogous to the EOS articles for PASSCAL and GSN.  
Responsible: Wiens, Ahern

Action Item 8:

Update the strategic plan for DMS.  
Responsible: Ahern

Action Item 9:

Begin the development new DMS web pages within the context of the new IRIS site.  Form a user sub-committee for advice on the content.
Responsible: Ahern

Action Item 10:

The DMSSC approved the proposed $3,500,000 budget as presented.  The committee identified priorities for a +10% budget if funds are available with the highest priority going to the Powderhorn Replacement.  Recommendations as to what to remove for a -10% budget were also made.  Wiens/Ahern to present to Cocom.