Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

October 2009

Action Items from Fall 2009 DMSSC Meeting

October 5-6, 2009

IRIS DMC, Seattle, WA


Action Item 1: Send out a bulk e-mail to IRIS, figure out what tools people use (lots of people use SOD and BREQFAST because they can be automated), and form a committee of most vocal community members.

Responsible: Cochran


Action Item 2: Produce an EOS article by the next DMSSC meeting. Need to find out if board needs to approve the final draft.

Responsible: Koper


Action Item 3: Clarification of naming of horizontal channels needs to be finalized. Clarification is provided below.

Responsible: Walter


Currently, there are two distinct conventions in use for the horizontal channels. In the past, it has been the goal to name channels that are more than 5 degrees away from a true north-south/east-west orientation with a ??1, ??2 channel name. Those that are within 5 degrees have had a ??N, ??E channel name.


We are proposing to simplify this convention by utilizing the ??1, ??2 convention for all the horizontal channels. Horizontal channels should be named such that the 1-2-Z directions form a left-handed coordinate system.


This change would not include data from the past. The changes would be implemented over time as station configuration changes can be made.


Action Item 4: The committee would like an update on the data that has been purged due to a lack of metadata as well as an update on data without metadata that remains at the DMC.  Report expected at the next DMSSC meeting.

Responsible – Trabant


Action Item 5: Nominations for 2 new members should be presented to the IRIS BoD. This should include names of first choice as well as alternates.

Responsible:  Koper


Action Item 6:  Ad-hoc committee (Data products) and Creager will develop a new direction for UW.

Responsible: Koper


Action Item 7: DMSSC approved the proposed carryover usage.  A high priority item was to proceed with the Oracle upgrade using available unspent funds in core and USArray budgets. Recommendation should be taken to the IRIS BoD.

Responsible: Koper and Ahern


Action Item 8: Create reconstituted Data Products Working Group. Tim/Chad to contact Adriene Borsa, Keith to contact Matt Fouch, Paul Earle, and Anne Trehue.  Keith, Tim and Chad to take the Data Product Working Group plans to IRIS Board meeting at the end of the month.

Responsible: Koper, Ahern, Trabant


Action item 9: Finalize links between Grand Challenge document and DMS in the context of the next IRIS proposal.

Responsible: Koper, Ahern