Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

October 2012

Action Items

Fall 2012 DMSSC Meeting
Oct 2-3, 2012

Carryover Action Items

Action Item 1 (Previous Action Item #1): Develop a plan to initiate a pilot project to archive and distribute QCN data. Send to DMSSC for comments. Koper will work with Elizabeth and Jessie in terms of two pilot projects.
Responsible: Koper

Action Item 2 (Previous Action Item #3): Mike Brudzinski will talk to Bill Hammond (PBOAC chair) to identify a PBO representative to DPWG.
Responsible: Brudzinski transfer to Ahern
Status: Ahern contacted UNAVCO and Dave Phillips, the PBO Products Manager, has agreed to serve in this capacity.

New Action Items

Action Item 1: Make IRIS Wide PIFs available for governance committees.  Take this up through the IRIS SMT. 
Responsible: Ahern

Action Item 2: Contact AFTAC to see if all AFTAC Arrays on US territory can be made available to IRIS. We believe there are two more arrays in Alaska, in CMAR Thailand, and KSRS in Korea, Infrasound array in Antarctica.
Responsible: Ahern  

Action Item 3: Can we work with NEIC to soften the language needed to release data from IMS stations?
Responsible: McNamara

Action Item 4: Talk to IDS about a USAID proposal to support Tajikistan monitoring.
Responsible: Ahern
Status: IDS has been asked if they will get involved.  As of 10/11/2012 no response.

Action Item 5: DMSSC members to provide input on the Strategic Plan by October 17, 2012.
Responsible: Aster and Ahern

Action Item 6: Contact ASL to name a new DMSSC observer from ASL.
Responsible : Aster & McNamara

Action Item 7: Establish a working group on QA systems. Pan IRIS. New metrics.
Responsible: Aster & Ahern

Action Item 8: PIF development for MUSTANG-lite.
Responsible: Ahern, Anderson, Gridley

Action Item 9: Present to COCOM possible uses of carryover funds
    a. FDSN web services broker
    b. MUSTANG enhancements
        i. MUSTANG-lite for field use
    c. Virtualization hardware
    d. Support for other frameworks
        i. Python -ObsPy
        ii. R
        iii. Javascript
    e. Pan-IRIS workshops with PASSCAL, GSN, EPO, etc. Can cover such things as MUSTANG development, D2D, etc
Responsible: Ahern

Action Item 10: Produce Use Cases Scenario for use in EarthCube. Due to Tim by by Oct 22.
Responsible: DMSSC/Aster, Koper, McNamara, Schulte-Pelkum

Action Item 11: Recommend 2 new DMSSC members 3-year term. Take to BoD

Action Item 12: Recommend 3 new DPWG members 3-year term