Standing Committee Meeting Report Data Services

March 2017

Spring 2017 Action Items

Action Items from the Spring 2015 DSSC Meeting

Action Item S2015:2 Develop a policy for accepting non-conventional non-seismic data into the DMC. There could include such things as Strong Motion data, volcanological data, high-rate GPS data, infrasound, ocean observatory data, non-EarthScope MT etc.
Responsible: DSSC
Status: No progress on this.
Updated Status: Michael Bostock and Diana Roman, coordinating with Ahern, agreed to begin working toward a draft of such a policy.

Action Items from the Fall 2016 DSSC Meeting

Action Items F2016:1 Follow up with Greg on archiving historical data, often from other agencies. Are there potential sources of funding within other parts of NSF?
Responsible: Gaherty and Stump will join the process

Action Items from the Spring 2017 DSSC Meeting

Action Item S2017:1
Victor Tsai moved, and Vadim Levin seconded, approval of the minutes from the fall 2016 DSSC meeting. The DSSC approved this motion unanimously
Responsible: Not Applicable

Action Item S2017:2
The DSSC is in favor of moving forward, working with the USGS, in managing data from strong motion stations from the NSMP both continuous real time streaming data as well as triggered event windowed data. USGS will investigate the amount of historical data that we might also consider. Take this to COCOM for Board approval.
Responsible: Brian Stump and Tim Ahern

Action Item S2017:3
DSSC to provide comments on the MUSTANG SRL Article by April 30, 2017. The QA group will proceed to produce a final version.
Responsible: DSSC

Action Item S2017:4
Wait for NSF feedback on the HPCWG recommendations to NSF and if NSF is receptive then develop a new white paper. Otherwise IRIS may consider a smaller effort.
Responsible: Carl Tape

Action Item S2017:5
Development of the Jupyter notebook template for user interaction with MUSTANG system is recommended, with a caveat that actual development be delayed until the Fall when funding environment is clearer.
Responsible: DMC QA Group

Action Item S2017:6
DSSC Approved the NSF SAGE Year 5 DS budget. Highlight at Cocom that the COCOM understands that this YR 5 budget reduces one FTE and allowed us to make necessary equipment upgrades. This will position us for the NGEO proposal funding levels.
Responsible: Stump and Ahern

Action Item S2017:7
Take topic of pan-IRIS cost efficiencies to the Cocom. Suggest that Stump, Davis, and Ahern develop a DS list, circulate it to DSSC and then take it to COCOM
Responsible: Stump, Davis, Ahern

Action Item S2017:8
The DSSC agrees to have initial conversation about the importance and the ability to facilitate the incorporation of historical data into the data center. Continue discussion at the fall meeting of the DSSC.
Responsible: DSSC

Action Item S2017:9
DSSC approved the data product related to exotic sources.DMC staff should move forward with this product development.
Responsibility: DMC Products Group

Action Item S2017:10
Data Bricks. DS staff will more fully develop the concept of data bricks and identify pros and cons. And other considerations to be discussed at the fall DSSC.
Responsible: Benson and Trabant

Action Item S2017:11
Collaborative proposal discussion with Kansas, LDEO and IRIS. DSSC was comfortable moving forward with this. Ahern to provide work statement, budget, and Project Summary to Detrick for BoD consideration. There is a proposal submission date of March 14, 2018.
Responsible: Ahern

Action Item S2017:12
Develop a template for Data Management Plans(DMPs) for new networks or deployments that wish to have data managed at the iRIS DMC. DMPs will identify key elements that must be considered before data can be accepted by the DMC. Bring back to DSSC at the 2017 Fall Meeting.
Responsible: Ahern and DMC Staff

Brief Meeting Summary

The Spring DSSC was conducted as virtual meetings taking place in two 3 hour sessions on March 1 & 2, 2017.

Day 1: The minutes from the Fall 2016 meeting were reviewed and approved and the status of action items was discussed and many were determined to be complete.

Detrick provided a status update of the NGEO proposal for the DSSC. This covered how the proposal was developed and what the next steps were.  The proposal was submitted by the deadline near the end of 2016. Key concepts in the proposal were categorized as either Foundational or Frontier areas. The proposal will remain confidential until after the review is complete.  One key aspect was that this proposal will produce a data access point through which both IRIS and UNAVCO data can be seamlessly requested allowing a unified view of data centers operated in separate locations.

Lind Gee joined this part of the meeting. The DSSC recommended that the DMC hosts data from the USGS NSMP limited to triggered data at this time. The DMC already hosts a great deal of strong motion data from IRIS university operators of strong motion networks and the fact that the data being considered from the NSMP is triggered, implies data volumes should be modest.  USGS will be responsible for the generation of the metadata needed.

The Director of Data Services reviewed the structure of Data Services including the DMC and subawards that are supported through DS.  A series of reports from the different components of IRIS DS followed.  Discussion of the Ph5 software infrastructure and its use at the DMC took place. The report from the QAAC provided by Vadim Levin indicated the work that had been done and key things that the QAAC will continue to address.  Carl Tape led the discussion of the High Performance Computing Working Group. Carl will be contacting NSF regarding next steps. Some other details are captured in the Action Items.

Day 2: The DSSC approved the inclusion of a new data product for exotic seismic events. It will be easily integrated into the DMC product system.

The DSSC discussed the possibility of developing standalone physical “data bricks” for distribution of certain subsets of DMC managed data. A series of concerns were raised as well as the obvious benefits. The DSSC did not reach a final conclusion regarding data bricks due to several factors that need further discussion.  The DSSC will return to this topic at the Fall DSSC meeting.

Data Services NSF SAGE YR 3 carryover was discussed and the DSSC informed as to how this was used. Ahern presented his proposed NSF SAGE YR 5 budget for data services and highlighted key components and also identified major changes between the NSF SAGE YR4 and proposed NSF SAGE YR5 budgets. NSF SAGE YR 5 does include increases in equipment costs since certain key components have been deferred in previous years. The DSSC approved the NSF SAGE YR 5 budget as presented.

The DSSC summarized the effectiveness of virtual meetings and provided input to the COCOM for consideration.  It was felt that virtual meetings have a few benefits and many detrimental aspects. The DSSC composed a list of items to take to the IRIS COCOM for consideration.