Standing Committee Meeting Report Global Seismographic Network

March 2006

Global Seismographic Network Standing Committee meeting

Action Items

March, 2006
Washington, DC    Earthscope Office Conference Room

Action Item 1:

The SC approves the minutes from the previous SC meeting.
Responsibility: Butler/Anderson/Park

Action Item 2:

The SC acknoledges the contributions made by Gary Holcomb from ASL who retired on 2/3/06 after 30 years of service
Responsibility: Butler/Anderson/Park

Action Item 3:

Budget approved s adjusted by SC for core funds and prioritized reserve funds
Responsibility: Butler/Anderson

Action Item 4:

SC requests that all Powerpoint presentations from SC meetings be placed online for GSN SC (limited distribution)
Responsibility: Anderson


GSNSC Resolutions:

#1. Minutes approved.

#2 noted.

#3 Budget updated and presented to Co-com.

#4 All Powerpoints available at