Standing Committee Meeting Report Global Seismographic Network

October 2009

GSNSC Fall 2009 Meeting Action Items

Ottawa Observatory, October 15-16 2009


1. Action item (Butler, Gee, Davis): This team should assemble a list of work to be done on the international GSN stations. Also, they should elaborate on the accomplishments of recent international efforts of the GSN and opportunities for potential future efforts for international collaboration.

2. Action item (Butler, Hayes): Gavin will begin designing a survey about GSN station use. He will seek feedback from the committee about specific questions to include.

3. Action item (Song, Butler): The GSNSC suggests changing the language in GSN charge #3 to “facilitate the free and open exchange of data” (removing “in a timely, user-transparent manner”), and recommends that DMSSC add “facilitate the free and open exchange of data in a timely, user-transparent manner” to their charge. Also recommends that DMSSC consider adding language about being an FDSN archival center.

4. Action item (Butler): The GSN SC supports a new GSN station in Nepal, and Rhett will encourage the Italian group to pursue this station.

5. Action item (McGuire): Jeff McGuire will revise the draft of the original OOI memo to include some technical requirements and an estimate of a budget.

6. Action item (McGuire, Ritsema, Bilek, Dalton): These personnel will form a sub-committee to work with the BoD on the next IRIS proposal.

7. Action item (all): GSN SC members to send Jeff 5-10 suggestions of people to write one-pagers for the GSN section. Jeff will ensure that there is no duplication.

8. Action item (Song): The following people were suggested as possible contributors to the GSN section of the proposal: Jeroen Ritsema, Jeff McGuire, Thorne Lay, Rick Aster, Goran Ekstrom, Chuck Ammon, John Vidale. Xiaodong will contact them before delivering their names to the board.

9. Action Item: GSNSC approves reprogramming of GSN management salary funds (~$122K) made available by GLISN funding into funds for GSN inventory software, microbarographs, and site infrastructure.