Standing Committee Meeting Report Global Seismographic Network

March 2013

Action Items from GSN Standing Committee Meeting
Albuquerque, New Mexico
March 18-19, 2013

Action Item #1 - (Ammon, Anderson with input from standing committee): The ASL has recently experienced significant retirements and personnel changes that leave key positions unfilled in both their GSN and DCC operations.  Due to limitations imposed by the government budget sequester, the USGS requires a special waiver to bypass a current hiring freeze on all positions.  Delays in filling these positions will adversely effect GSN operations.  The GSN SC has offered to document the programmatic impact to GSN operations from ASL’s inability to hire replacements for USGS employees in support of a hiring waiver.  Ammon and Anderson will draft a letter by week of March 25th with the goal of distributing this to Bill Leith and Cecily Wolfe before the SESAC meeting on April 5th.

Action Item #2 - (Ammon, Anderson with input from standing committee):  The Board of directors has requested that the Standing Committees provide input on IRIS governance models with the GSN specifically providing input on the duel role that the GSN SC plays as an advisory committee to both IRIS and the USGS.  The Standing Committee and GSN Program Manager will response to Board of Directors on major IRIS governance issues and suggestions for new models, both for the GSN and Instrumentation Services in general.  Input will need to be provided to the Cocom for cross-programmatic discussion by the Cocom meeting on May 1st.  Combined input will be presented to the Board for their meeting on May 30-31.

Action Item #3 (Ammon):  Identify 1 or 2 SC members (or external observer) for 15-20 min science talks for fall GSN meeting.

Resolution:  (Mike Thorne and Michael Hedlin volunteered)

Action Item #4 (Ammon):  Identify GSN-related participant (from GSN SC or other appropriate person) Large N working group.

Status:  Chuck Ammon has already volunteered and Lekic is considering participation.  Several other non-GSNSC members were discussed and can be shared with WG chair.

Action Item #5 (Ammon and Anderson):  Develop a plan for spending down the remaining current cooperative funds for approval by the Board of Directors.  Presentation of this plan will be provided for the Cocom meeting (May 1).

Minor Actions required - (Anderson): Minor tasks requested of the GSN SC, including:
• Post the USGS/NSF MOU Annex regarding the GSN partnership for GSN SC review.
Resolution:  Already posted on GSN-SC website under the opening page in the “historical documents” section ([url=][/url])

• Post presentations from GSN SC meeting on the SC webpage
Resolution:  see GSNSC page for this meeting for link to presentations.  Note: Berger update on ADDOSS is very large, so I’ve provided the opportunity to download that separately.

• Distribute the IRIS proposal to Congress to augment USGS budget for accelerating seismometer deployment, including infrastructure upgrades (GSN Renewal Proposal).
Resolution:  on “presentations” page for this meeting

• Consider updating NGS rollout statistics to separate core GSN stations from affiliate stations.
Status:  Will incorporate in presentation for next GSN SC meeting

• Add Canadian flag to ALE on GLISN map.

• Distribute USGS/ASL Data Quality Analyzer (DQA) sample output
Resolution:   on “presentations” page for this meeting

• Post the updated GSN SC Membership history
Resolution:   Posted on GSNSC “historical documents” section of main page.