Standing Committee Meeting Report Global Seismographic Network

October 2014

GSN SC Fall 2014 Meeting Action Items

IRIS Data Management Center, Seattle, WA

October 16-17, 2014

1. (GSN Staff) - Combine meeting minutes from last meeting as single document and redistribute to committee for their review.

2. (GSN Staff) - Review past Action Items that remain open, and present summary and recommendations to the GSN SC on which should remain open and/or can be closed or removed.

3. (GSN Staff) - Add closure dates to Action Item list.

4. (Anderson) - Distribute the GSN list with categorization of affiliate network stations.

5. (IRIS Management) - Coordinate customs/import/export concerns and issues with the broader IRIS community, given that there are a number of customs issues within the various facilities of IRIS that have cross program impact.

6. (Rost) - Provide a copy of the German report on protocols for seismic station locations relative to wind farms.

7. (Wind Farm Subcommittee) - Fold German results into their report and make recommendations to the SC.

8. (Earle) - Assure replacement for Lind’s role as FDSN working group II representative by a new USGS/GSN representative.

9. (Davis and Wilson) - Work with quality subcommittee to select a singular data quality goal metric (as a start) and import this into MUSTANG.  Subgroup includes:  Nettles, Earle, Rost, Ahern, Davis and Wilson.

10. (Wolfe) - Work with USGS to determine if IRIS can participate in procurement discussions, given our special relationship with the MOU and that IRIS is responsible for obtaining funds for borehole instruments procured through the USGS in the future.

11. (GSN Staff) - Post latest versions of VBB specifications and process used to get to this state.

12. (GSN Staff) - Post ASL’s noise versus depth slides to GSN SC webpage.

13. (Anderson, Woodward, and Nettles) - Draft a scope management plan for presentation to the CoCom.  Short overview summary with a map(s) of significant usage of the GSN.

14. (Anderson and Woodward) - Follow up this scope management plan with the management side of budget implications (working with ASL and IDA) and will present revised budget to GSN SC for their review.

15. (GSN SC) - Provide 1-2 examples of how the GSN has been used for discovery in the past 5-10 years.  In addition, what sort of decadal scale observations would require continued high quality observations from the GSN for the next 10 years.

16. (GSN SC) - Provide further comments on the draft Briefing book TOC to Nettles and Woodward.

17. (Ahern) - Work on input for the DS side of the GSN review briefing materials.  Important to include the GSN data usage - GSN data served by the DMC.

18. (Woodward) - Work and delegate as necessary to assign writing assignments for the briefing book and collect and collate the information for a rough draft by end of November.

19. (GSN SC) - Comment on IS Quality Principles Document to Woodward and Nettles.

20. (GSN Staff) - Establish a doodle poll for GSN SC Spring meeting dates (March) - target La Jolla.

21. (Nettles) - Consolidate suggestions for new committee members with input from USGS and transmit suggestions to the CoCom.

22. (GSN Staff) - Provide hardcopy meeting materials to Nettles in advance of the committee meetings.