Standing Committee Meeting Report Global Seismographic Network

October 2015

October 22-23, 2015

LDEO, Palisades, New York


1. Berger, Davis, Parker, Walter, and Hafner possible committee members: Review the USGS Proposal regarding swapping Russian stations.  Nettles will form a subcommittee to evaluate what the issues are with such a change, and if the proposal will address the problems. 

2. Leith, Detrick and Hafner: Assess the status of US-Russian data sharing agreement

3. Hafner: GSN carryover funds: propose $40K for ITEM, and $5K for working group on wet GSN; also argue for field engineer, and infrastructure repairs with any remaining IRIS carryover.

4. GSNSC: Provide feedback to NSF on the prioritization for recapitalization versus operations and on the value to them of the new data quality assessment and the report.

5. Ahern & Hafner: MUSTANG dead channel: Ahern said he would look into giving results if data < 5b below NLNM, assuming that the microseism band is a reliable way to estimate channel deadness.   The issue is whether this can be done without pulling data out from the archive

6. Nettles, Wilson, Hafner and Davis: Form subcommittee to work further on the station level percent availability metric.

7. GSNSC: Graphical Interface to GSN metrics: Identify priority items to be displayed by such an interface. Human resources are needed that will ensure that the interface will be finished, updated and work consistently.

8. Hafner, Wilson and Davis: Put together a proposal for use of excess funds from VBB Borehole procurement.  Ideally, this proposal would address how to improve the performance at GSN vault sites given spending constraints.

9. GSNSC:  Review and approve the charge to the Ad-hoc committee determining the GSN VBB Vault Sensor Specifications.

10. Hafner:  Coordinate efforts to define metrics and figure out how to implement with committee consisting of Hafner, Nettles, Earle, Irving, and Walters.   Ahern will be the point person for implementation of evaluating whether quality goals are being met.

11. GSNSC: Committee members should provide names for Design Goals Committee and for GSNSC replacements and chair


The GSN PM presented a summary of activities since the spring 2015 meeting, and discussed the results of the GSN External Review.  The GSNSC was asked to review the 39 recommendations that came from the review committee as well as IRIS's response to NSF.

ASL, IDA and the USGS presented the status of their activities.  The USGS presented a proposal to the GSNSC to swap their Russian stations with some stations operated by IDA.

There was a discussion of possible uses for the NSF SAGE GSN YR2 carryover funds.

Data Quality Discussions: Percent Availability on Channel and Station Levels; MUSTANG, DQA and Graphical Web Interface status updates; A subcommittee was formed to further define metrics.

Seismometer Updates:

  1. Review of VBB Procurement; need to establish a spending plan for the remaining funds
  2. Discussion of VBB Vault sensor functional specifications.
  3. Updates on M2166 testing at ASL and IDA