Standing Committee Meeting Report International Development Seismology

March 2017

March 7, 2017 Virtual Meeting

Participants: Andy Frassetto, Anne Meltzer, Karen Fischer, Lee Liberty, Maureen Long, Michael Bostock, Ray Russo 

Action Items

Distribute to committee the past IDS survey to foreign affiliates.
Subcommittee (AM, LL, RR) will edit workshop report into new vision document/strategic plan.
Subcommittee (AM, LL, MB, RR) will edit SZO collaboratory white paper.
Recommend to BoD to add UNAVCO committee member in ex-officio capacity.
Determine if/when Data Services needs any input on instructor availability for South Africa ASI.

Meeting Summary

The meeting was conducted over an hour-long call and discussed two main objectives: 1) redrafting a vision document and strategic plan to more closely reflect the outcomes of the 2012 IDS workshop and subsequent experiences with international engagement, 2) positioning the committee to make an inclusive and effective response to the SZO workshop response, based on initial work by the ISSC. The IDSC will continue to work on these topics during the spring, with an eye to having the committee well positioned to be compatible with any IRIS community SZO response and a future NGEO facility.