Standing Committee Meeting Report International Development Seismology

December 2018

December 11, 2018 In-Person Meeting

Participants: Bob Detrick, Karen Fischer, Gavin Hayes, Stephen Holtkamp, Maureen Long, Diego Melgar, Anne Meltzer, Xyoli Perez-Campos

Action Items

  • Provide IRIS Board with summary of 2018 Simpson Fund international internships and propose continuation of program in 2019
  • Finalize membership priorities for open slots
  • Obtain RAMP best practices seed document from Ray Russo
  • Prepare outline of RCN SZ4D proposal
  • Form proposal committee to respond to IRES solicitations

Meeting Summary

Karen Fischer provided feedback and encouragement from the IRIS Board on the role of the IDSC under the SAGE-facility award to IRIS. The IDSC will continue to investigate linkages to relevant activities under NSF SAGE (internships, RAMP) that have potential international impacts. This includes pursuing funds through multiple tracks under the IRES solicitation recently announced by NSF. The IDSC will also facilitate, through use of the Simpson Innovation Fund, two additional international internships during summer 2019 under a broader theme of seismology related to natural hazards. The committee plans to recruit new members with connections to the geodetic science community, and begin to outline a potential RCN proposal related to SZ4D.