Standing Committee Meeting Report Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Pool

September 2016

OBSIP Oversight Committee Meeting

September 27-28, 2016

Boise, Idaho

Action Items:

  1. Barclay, Evers: Follow up with PASSCAL instrument center to request Q330s for testing next to a LDEO datalogger, and for the T240 reference instrument calibration experiments..
  2. OMO, IICs: Develop and coordinate an in-situ, on-shore test with all IICs participating. Will include a pier or vault “huddle” test of at least the sensor and datalogger setup, possibly also the leveling system and will be performed at a GSN-style location like Piñon, ASL, or HRV.
  3. OMO: Proceed with the organization of the 2017 OBS Symposium.
  4. All: Prepare OBSIP renewal proposal, due 03/31/2017 


  1. The Oversight Committee would like to see the IICs and OMO come back with a plan for working together to address the functional requirements (reduction of noise levels especially on horizontal components, enable longer deployments, simplify the deployment process and streamline operations) of instrument development with technical solutions for the OBSIP 5-year proposal.