Standing Committee Meeting Report PASSCAL

March 2006

PASSCAL Standing Committee Meeting

Socorro, 23 March 2006

Action Items


Attending committee members:

Alan Levander (AL) - chair, Artie Rogers (AR), Ray Russo (RR), Matt Fouch (MF) (arrived at 10:00 am), and Camelia Knapp (CK).

Absent members:

John Collins , William Stephenson, Stephan Rondenay, George Zandt.

Other attendees:

David Simpson (DS), Rick Aster (RA), Marcos Alvarez (MA), Bruce Beaudoin (BB), Steve Harder (SH), Frank Vernon (FV), and James Fowler (JF).

New members

Alan Levander (chair), Ray Russo (UF), and Artie Rogers (Lawrence Livermore); George Zandt (Univ. of Arizona) was not present.

Action Item:  

Jim and Bruce will reword Instrument Use Policy and User’s Guide to reiterate expectations that PI will personally see equipment shipped back to PIC following all deployments.

Action Item:


Change the policy such that PASSCAL is responsible for travel arrangements for field projects. PI should coordinate with PASSCAL for the travel budget.

Action Item: 

Strengthen the wording in the use policy on PI’s responsibility to attend training.

Action Item:

Adopt the following policy and reword the use agreement. “The PIs will visit the PIC for in-house training. In addition, for large experiments, the in-field training by a PASSCAL staff member is recommended”.

Action Items:

- Approve the budget as discussed.

     Priorities for additional money:
            BB sensors

Action Item:

Work with IRIS to implement an efficient and effective web design.

Action Item:  

Draft proposal for re-allocation of funds in FA to get more broadbands and no more short period stations and 300 less Texans

Action Item:

Get a short statement from Ken Craiger about the ISC program

Action Item:

The committee recommends not buying any more 40 Hz phones for the Texans for both the FA and PASSCAL.