Standing Committee Meeting Report PASSCAL

March 2012

Action items from PASSCAL Standing Committee
Spring 2012 meeting - Socorro, New Mexico, IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center

1.  Gonzalez:  Create an executive summary on the Import/Export document

Status:  See report compiled by Jackie Gonzalez.  We continue to work with Neville-Petersen - Action Item closed

2.  Moran:  PA-FA pool merger: create working group to meet and address policy issues

Status:  Moran arranged a meeting with Ann Meltzer - Action item open

3.  Gridley:  Develop social media site for increased awareness

4.  Gridley:  Make quarterly reports available to PASC

5.  Moran:  By April 6, come up with pan IRIS role of PASSCAL

6.  Gridley:  New Instrumentation (Pan IRIS Initiative)

Status:  Large-N meeting in Seattle.  Program plan in the proposal - Action item closed

7.  Gridley:  Create active source PIF

Status:  Completed and in proposal - Action item closed

8.  Gridley:  Document a budget. Main capability is about 70 experiments/yr. Data services reduced to lower PA level.

Status  - Vetted through CoCom and BoD.  Completed and in the proposal - Action item closed

9.  Gridley:  Preparing for Alaska