Standing Committee Meeting Report PASSCAL

October 2013

Action items from PASSCAL Standing Committee
Fall 2013 meeting - Socorro, New Mexico - IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center

1.  Aster:  Suggested that we add an agenda item to strategic planning to consider a strategy for linkage between USGS, academia, IRIS in the event of a large magnitude/magmatic event in the US

2. Hole/Woodward:  Write PASC letter/executive summary to go with New Technology report when it is submitted to BoD

3. Gridley/Woodward:  Request communication with Greg Anderson, outlining our recommended implementation of merged FA and portable pool.

Status:  This has been superseded by the BoD's formation of the PASWG, which is charged with facilitating discussion about sustainability and adjustments to service levels & submitting a report with recommendations to the BoD by May 2014 - Action item closed