The IRIS Data Services DS consists of several components or "nodes" that work together to ensure the smooth flow of data from stations in the GSN, PASSCAL, FDSN, OBSIP, EarthScope, and other programs to the seismological research community.
The IRIS DS consists of seven distinct "nodes", with three distinct funding structures:
The IRIS Data Management Center (DMC) in Seattle, WA is the home of the IRIS data archive and serves as the primary distribution point for IRIS data to the global seismological community via web-services, online tools, email requests and physical media.
The Albuquerque Seismic Laboratory (ASL) and the IDA DCC's collect data from the GSN, perform QA on the data, convert the data to SEED and send the GSN data to the DMC.
The Kazakh National Data Center (KZ NNC) in Almaty performs QA on data from the numerous arrays and stations in Kazakhstan before forwarding the data to the IRIS DMC.
The University of Washington (UW) provides Quality Assurance (QA) for data flowing into the DMC from various seismic networks.
The PASSCAL instrument Center (PIC) performs QA and reformatting for PASSCAL data.
The Array Network Facility (ANF) is charged with insuring that USArray/Transportable Array data flow to the DMC and that proper metadata is available.
The Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool (OBSIP) provides instrumentation to support research to further our understanding of marine geology, seismology and geodynamics.
The International Federation of Digital Seismograph Networks (FDSN) is a global organization. Its membership is comprised of groups responsible for the installation and maintenance of seismographs either within their geographic borders or globally.
The US Regional Networks provide data to the DMC.
Other International Networks provide data to the DMC.
The IRIS DS is given oversight by a standing committee representing the seismological community. (See action items from DSSC meetings.) The IRIS Data Services is managed by Dr. Jerry Carter. Read about the charges to the DS.