Other Activities

Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network

The GLISN (Greenland Ice Sheet Monitoring Network) project will establish a real-time sensor array of 25 stations to enhance and upgrade the performance of the scarce existing Greenland seismic infrastructure for detecting, locating, and characterizing glacial earthquakes and other cryo-seismic phenomena, and contribute to our understanding of Ice Sheet dynamics...Read more

International Development Seismology

International Development Seismology

International Development Seismology (IDS) is an interface between IRIS NSF-sponsored scientific mission and the need to ensure that scientific progress enables socially important outcomes. This effort responds to the recognized importance of developing the partnerships, technical infrastructure, and human capacity required for effective...Read more

The Ocean Bottom Seismograph Instrument Pool

OBSIP provides subsea seismograph instrumentation, field support and technical services to support scientific research throughout the world's oceans. IRIS operates the OBSIP Management Office and coordinates the efforts of three Institutional Instrument Contributors.....Read More

Global Reporting Geophysical Observatories in Chile

A collaborative project between the University of Chile and IRIS has established a network of ten geophysical observatories with combined broadband seismic, strong motion, infrasound, and meteorologic sensors at approximately 300 km spacing along the length of Chile......Read More