IRIS Workshop 2016: Emerging Fields and Technologies in Seismology
Hilton Vancouver, Vancouver, WA, USA

Over the past thirty plus years, the field of seismology has continued to evolve as new ideas, technologies, and analytical techniques have become available and new scientific questions have been identified. This workshop will focus on recent, cutting-edge developments in seismology, including the rapid expansion of seismology into new, non-traditional areas, improvements in instrumentation and data processing, and the integration of seismology with related disciplines in the solid Earth sciences.

Science Planning Committee:

Miaki Ishii, Harvard University

Michael West, University of Alaska Fairbanks

Lindsay Lowe Worthington, University of New Mexico

IRIS Planning Contacts:

Justin Sweet, Portable Project Associate

Danielle Sumy, IS and EPO Project Associate

Have questions? Please contact Justin Sweet ( or Danielle Sumy ( for more information.

Submitted an abstract for a poster? The poster size is 4' high x 8' wide. Check out your poster number on the 'Sessions' tab.


Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings

Plenary Sessions

Unlocking the Secrets of Subduction Zones
Organizers: Jay Pulliam and Emily Roland

There is no better target than subduction zones when it comes to multi-disciplinary, collaborative, and integrative science.  This session aims to explore different aspects of subduction zones to enhance communication between different fields and advance our understanding.

  • Paleoseismology: reconstruction of historic events using microfossils
  • Dynamic rupture simulations of megathrust events
  • LFEs, non-volcanic tremors, updip/downdip limits
  • Subduction zone structure: tomography, reflectivity, receiver functions, etc.
  • Integration of seismology with other fields, collaboration beyond seismology
  • Go beyond site-by-site examination of subduction zones

Renaissance Seismology: Seismology for Non-Traditional Targets
Organizers: Kate Allstadt and Victor Tsai

While researchers have long studied and appreciated the rich content of seismic waveforms, the last decade has witnessed a renaissance in the breadth of applications of seismology. This is a direct response to society’s need to better track and understand the changing dynamics of the Earth. No discipline better captures the literal “pulse of the planet” than seismology. This session highlights the breadth of these applications and the scientific targets that are quickly becoming standard fields of application in seismology including:

  • Surface processes: landslides, river erosion, bedload transport
  • Oceans: seismic oceanography, ocean noise, whale migration
  • Hydrology: ground/surface water, poroelasticity
  • Climate: sea ice, polar studies, microseism evolution
  • Glaciers: iceberg calving, outburst floods, bedload assessment

Nexus of Technology and Methodology: Pushing the Limits of Resolution
Organizers: Katie Keranen and Fan-Chi Lin

Advances in instrument technology toward smaller, more portable sensors have revolutionized data acquisition, which allows for rapid deployment of thousands of sensors for continuous recording. This session highlights projects that use large data sets to push the limits of resolution in subsurface imaging.

  • Large N/extreme large N experiments and advancements in interferometric techniques
  • Combined active/passive acquisitions and analysis techniques, best practices
  • Developments in instrumentation
  • Full wavefield imaging and pushing on the limits of tomographic resolution

The When, Where, and How of Induced Earthquakes
Organizers: Mike Brudzinski and Elizabeth Cochran

Exciting observations and theories are put forth to explain induced seismicity.  This session aims to cover a wide range of topics from laboratory experiments to observations to societal impact.

  • Micro to macro: earthquake experiments in the lab
  • Observations: relationships between seismicity and human activities/changes in environmental conditions
  • Modelling: parameters that affect earthquake generation (simulations, ideas, etc.)
  • Community/public response, monitoring, new tools & techniques

Seismology Across Scales: Enhanced Imaging and Source Characterization
Organizers: Gary Pavlis and Donna Shillington

The USArray Flex Array program was designed to provide higher resolution targeted data to augment the Transportable Array. Numerous projects are successfully blending multiple scales of data such as concurrent FA/TA deployments and coincident active/passive data acquisition. This session highlights advances in integration of seismic data across multiple scales.

  • Projects and techniques that successfully integrate concurrent FA/TA deployments
  • Benefits and pitfalls of multi-scale data
  • Understanding crustal/mantle/lithosphere/LAB structure and evolution
  • Seismology in the oceans: extending capabilities into the oceans 
  • Active/passive imaging

The Legacy of the Transportable Array
Organizers: Robin Matoza and Frank Vernon

The brief two-year installation of the Transportable Array (TA) provided a high-resolution seismic snapshot of much of North America. In many regions, however, the TA changed the long-term research and monitoring capabilities as well as introducing new technologies or expanding the footprint of existing facilities. The TA has proven its reach far beyond its nominal two-year seismic installation. This session highlights science derived from facilities that were created, or permanently changed, by the passage of the TA.

  • Science that could not have been done with a 2 yr. seismic deployment
  • New and expanded seismic facilities: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Yukon, CEUSN, Cascadia
  • Ancillary data types: barometric pressure, infrasound, strong motion, soil properties


Beyond the Workstation: Seismology in a Post-Desktop World
Organizers: Chuck Ammon and Chen Ji

The number of networked accelerometers in the world is several orders of magnitude larger than it was a decade ago. Efforts to build dedicated networks of low cost seismology-specific sensors are complemented by the explosive growth of smart phones and the so-called Internet of Things. These sensor revolutions are matched by new ways of distribution and even processing the data they produce. Techniques that once required weeks of research time are becoming near real-time open-source commodities available to the full community. These changes represent paradigm shifts in how seismology is done. This session seeks to stimulate thinking about the future of seismology by showcasing science that aggregates these networks or helps facilitate the use of disparate instrumentation.

  • Science with low cost, built-in, or “personal” seismographs
  • “Dirt-to-desktop” automated handling of data and metadata 
  • New opportunities for seismology education and outreach
  • How do/can research-grade tools shape the immediate response to large earthquakes and tsunamis?
  • Recent progress in joint data management/sharing
  • Applications to earthquake early warning systems
  • What research is well poised to become “on demand” in the near future?

Special Interest Group (SIG) Meetings

Seismology and Social Media: Effectively Communicating Science Online
Conveners: Kasey Aderhold and Andy Frassetto

There are many ways to leverage social media for personal and societal gain. Broader impact requirements can be developed using blogs, webinars, open source software/data, citizen science projects, and massive open online courses (MOOCs). Scientists can reach directly to the public and answer their questions, or connect to other researchers to discuss recent events or publications. However, efforts online can also devolve into a black hole of wasted time on click bait, trolling, and pseudoscience. Here we would like to bring together people who are interested in developing the online seismology community in rewarding and productive ways. We will have "pop-up" presentations (≤5 minutes) on specific examples of using social media as a tool in research, teaching, or outreach and conclude with open discussion on how we can better utilize the online platform.


Best Practices in Observational Seismological Research and Education
Conveners: Meghan Miller and Danielle Sumy

Have you ever felt like you reinvent the wheel, either in your classroom or out in the field? Wonder what you will teach in a few weeks, and ask yourself if these resources are already out there? Wish you could have a PASSCAL technician with you on every field deployment? Join us at this community forum to discover what education and field resources already exist within the IRIS website and databases, and voice your opinion to help both IRIS EPO and IS identify and document best practices material.


EarthScope Synthesis: Participate!
Conveners: Elisabeth Nadin and Carl Tape

As the end of the formal EarthScope program approaches, it is timely for the geosciences community to work towards synthesis of multiple types of data focused on a single region or topic. For example, data from USArray, PBO, and SAFOD activities could be linked with results from other disciplines. EarthScope science offers many opportunities for synthesis, both within and between disciplines. Over the next four years, the EarthScope National Office at the University of Alaska Fairbanks will support a series of roughly 10 EarthScope Synthesis Workshops, each of which will bring a small group of scientists together from multiple disciplines.

This SIG will (1) explain the process for submitting (and selecting) synthesis workshops, (2) explain the expected products for the workshops, (3) seek feedback from attendees on how to use the workshops to effectively synthesize all EarthScope results (for example, focus on regionalization or on processes?), and (4) introduce the first four workshops. We encourage others to consider proposing synthesis workshops.


Data Processing Infrastructure for Seismology
Conveners: Gary Pavlis and Frank Vernon

Current software tools used for data processing in earthquake seismology have much in common with the way instrumentation was prior to the birth of IRIS.   In the same way instrumentation was custom developed at a few places in the 1970s, in software today we have a heterogeneous mix of stuff developed independently by multiple groups.  Just as mixing instrumentation in field experiments was a problem in the 1970s mixing software tools today is a challenge that is limiting progress in the field.  Most existing tools are based on archaic concepts that limit performance, interoperability, and maintainability.   The objective of this SIG is to identify short-term and long-term goals to address this problem.


Work/Life Balance and Time Management: How to Increase Productivity while Staying Sane
Conveners: Danielle Sumy and Christian Poppeliers

Ever wonder how to balance professional and personal priorities, or how you’ll fit all of those priorities in your day-to-day life? The IRIS Early Career Investigators (ECI) Working Group has asked five panelists to read a different book on work/life balance and time management strategies and implement the suggested work/life balance techniques. The panelists will report back to the community about what worked, what didn’t, and what will become a mainstay in their daily/weekly routine. Our panelists represent a range of career stages and trajectories, from junior and senior professionals in the academy, research, and industry.  Come hear about the pros/cons of different work/life balance and time management strategies, and walk away with tips and tricks that will help you maintain balance and stay sane! (We acknowledge the Arizona State University School of Earth and Space Exploration Postdoctoral Development Program for the idea.)
Luciana Astiz, National Science Foundation
Pete Davis, Director of Project IDA, Global Seismographic Network
Maureen Long, Associate Professor, Yale University
Jay Pulliam, W. M. Keck Foundation Professor of Geophysics, Baylor University
Wes Thelen, Cascade Volcano Observatory, USGS


Wavefields Community Demonstration Experiment
Conveners: Justin Sweet and Kent Anderson

IRIS is pleased to announce that a Wavefields Demonstration Community Experiment will be conducted this summer in northern Oklahoma.  An experiment oversight committee has been assembled and approved by the IRIS Board to guide the execution of this experiment.  This experiment will make use of cutting-edge three-component nodal-type sensors.  These 5Hz sensors are about the size of a paint can, have onboard GPS timing, and can run independently for up to 30 days.  IRIS plans to deploy these sensors as a piggyback to an existing nodal deployment led by Katie Keranen.  The deployment will take advantage of the 1000+ single channel nodes and 45 broadband sensors from Keranen (data available after moratorium) with instruments provided by IRIS and IRIS community members (~300+ 3-C nodes, 40+ broadbands, and 10 infrasound sensors) to be deployed in the same area.  The experiment design is a collaboration between PIs Keranen (Cornell University); Heather DeShon, Brian Stump, Chris Hayward (Southern Methodist University); Michael Brudzinski (University of Miami-Ohio); Susan Bilek (New Mexico Tech); Marianne Karplus (University of Texas - El Paso); FanChi Lin (University of Utah); Chuck Langston (University of Memphis); and Xiaowei Chen (University of Oklahoma).


Engaging undergraduate students in research, in the classroom and the field/lab
Conveners: John Taber and Steve Jaume

Early exposure to research experiences has been shown to be effective in the recruitment of students, improving the retention in degree programs, and contributing to overall increased student success.  This is particularly true for students from underrepresented minorities, and therefore may provide an opportunity to increase diversity in the geosciences, particularly if opportunities are provided early enough.  However, student ability to engage in research varies considerably from freshman and sophomores who have limited content exposure and research skills, to seniors who are ready to engage in graduate-level independent research.  This SIG will explore options to provide research experiences for undergraduates throughout their educational careers. This will include discussions of how to include simple yet authentic seismology research in the classroom for freshman and sophomores as well as more in-depth options for older students.  Successful examples from the geoscience and seismology communities will be presented, both for classroom and independent research.  A goal of the discussion will be to share potential approaches, tools and resources that would help lower the barrier for faculty to involve undergraduates in research activities earlier in their careers.


HPC for seismology (data and simulations)
Conveners: Carl Tape and Arthur Rodgers

As the volume of archived seismic data increases, the need to have these data processed in new and more powerful computational systems has become more important. A new working group at IRIS, the High Performance Computing and Seismic Data Working Group (HPCWG), will focus on the use of the seismic data available in the IRIS DMC storage systems within high performance computing environments. The HPCWG will address data-driven seismological research requiring HPC resources, either for data processing or for simulation-based data assimilation. This SIG seeks input from seismic data users or seismic modelers who envision opportunities for computational resources.


Advances in Quick Deploy strategies for Broad- and Intermediate- period deployments
Conveners: Lara Wagner, Diana Roman and Kent Anderson

This SIG will focus on the status of broad- and intermediate- period station design, with an emphasis on quick deploy boxes.  As the interest in deploying ever larger numbers of instruments for long term and/or broad/intermediate-band seismic deployments grows, so too does a need to be able to deploy the ancillary equipment (digitizers/dataloggers, batteries, GPS units, solar panels, etc) in an efficient and robust manner to decrease deployment time and increase the likelihood of successful data collection.


Open Sesame: Piping more data into the public domain
Conveners: Wang-Ping Chen, Tim Ahern and Xiufen Zheng

According to statistics reported at the 2014 Workshop, an overwhelming majority of data traffic from the IRIS DMS goes to places where few data have been contributed. To address this imbalance, we propose an SIG that will invite a small number of seismologists, who have successfully opened data archives to the public, to share their experience in this respect. Their talks will serve as launch points for identifying various factors that hinder opening up more data, and for brainstorming ideas that can help alleviate the imbalance. The proposed co-chairs have personal experience in this regard and plan to invite some key speakers from China, Japan and Taiwan to address this SIG.


  • Three (3) nights lodging and up to $500 travel reimbursement for organizing committee and speakers, Board of Directors, and Standing Committee and Advisory Committee Chairs
  • Lodging (double occupancy) and travel support for 40 students (Students have been selected and notified.)
  • $265 non-reimbursable registration fee; 50% discount for students/guests (age 16+)


The IRIS Workshop will be held in Vancouver, Washington. The nearest airport is Portland International Airport (PDX). The airport is located 12 miles (20 minutes) from the hotel. 


Hilton Vancouver Washington
301 W. 6th Street
Vancouver, WA 98660

Reservation Website

The reduced group room rate is $145/night USD (single/double occupancy), $155/night USD (triple occupancy), and $165/night USD (quad occupancy).  In addition an 8.4% sales tax, 2.0% occupancy tax, and a $2.00 Tourism Promote Assessment charge will be billed to each room night charge. The cut-off date to make room reservations is May 13, 2016. It is crucial that you make your reservations before the cut-off date as the group rate will not be offered after that time. Please visit this website to make your reservations.


Reservations for the Blue Star Shuttle service can be made by calling 800-247-2272. They charge $16/one way.

Taxis are also readily available at the airport to the Hilton for around $30/one way.

If you're driving to the hotel from PDX: I-205 North over Glen Jackson bridge into Washington, the first exit onto Hwy. 14 W., towards Vancouver, stay on Hwy. 14 approx. 7 mi., follow signs into City Ctr, go left, follow signs to 6th St., hotel corner of 6th and Columbia.

Self-Parking ($16/night) and Valet Parking ($22/night) are available at the Hilton.


Overnight Hotel Guests: Parking is located in the underground garage on Columbia Street between 5th and 6th Streets, on the East side of the hotel. Self-Parking is at a discounted rate of $16/day. There are a limited number of discounted parking passes so this will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. Overnight guests will need to check into the hotel first to receive a key to access the hotel's parking garage.

Day Guests (attending meetings, events or restaurant dining in Gray's At the Park): There is parking available at the Vancouver Center Building's "Park & Go" garage located on 6th Street between Columbia and Washington Streets. Fees are $0.75 an hour and payment can be made at the meter for the amount of time needed, just attached the payment receipt to the driver's side window.

Vancouver Center Parking Garage:

Hours of Operation:
Monday-Thursday: 6am-10pm
Friday-Saturday: 6am-Midnight
Sunday: 8am-10pm

Parking Rates:
Hourly rate: $0.75
Monday-Friday: $6.00 max until 6pm; $8.50 max all day until close; $2.50 max after 6pm until close
Weekend rate: $2.50 all day

Street Parking: Metered parking is available on the blocks surrounding the hotel. Maximum time limits range from 1 hour to 10 hours, depending on the location. Evenings and weekends are free.

June 7, 2016: Pre-Workshop Short Courses and Field Trip

Tuesday, June 7th, 2016, 8am–5pm

9:00 am
5:30 pm

Active Source Workshop

Hemlock Room

12:00 pm
5:00 pm

Data Services Short Course

Oak Room

12:00 pm
7:00 pm

Field Trip - Mt. St. Helens: Led by Seth Moran (Cascade Volcano Observatory) and Steve Malone (Research Professor Emeritus, University of Washington)

See 'Field Trip' tab for more information & to register.

Check-in: Begins at 11 AM in front of the registration desk (in front of Heritage Ballroom ACD).

Everyone needs to be checked in and ready to go by 11:45 AM.

4:30 pm
5:30 pm

FREE tour of the operational facilities at Loowit Brewing Company

June 8, 2016: Workshop Day 1

Wednesday, June 8th, 2016, 8am–5pm

7:00 am
5:00 pm

Registration (in front of the Heritage Ballroom)

General Sessions: Heritage Ballroom ACD

8:00 am
8:10 am

Welcome/Introduction: Michael West, University of Alaska Fairbanks 

8:10 am
8:40 am

INVITED TALK: Eva Zanzerkia, National Science Foundation

8:40 am
10:10 am

The When, Where, and How of Induced Earthquakes

Plenary Organizers: Mike Brudzinski & Elizabeth Cochran

Invited Speakers: 

10:10 am
10:30 am


10:30 am
12:00 pm

Unlocking the Secrets of Subduction Zones

Plenary Organizers: Jay Pulliam, Emily Roland, and Erin Wirth

Invited Speakers: 

12:00 pm
1:00 pm


1:00 pm
3:00 pm

Renaissance Seismology: Seismology for Non-Traditional Targets

Plenary Organizers: Kate Allstadt & Victor Tsai

Invited Speakers: 

3:00 pm
4:30 pm


Posters related to sessions:

  • The When, Where, and How of Induced Earthquakes
  • Unlocking the Secrets of Subduction Zones
  • Renaissance Seismology: Seismology for Non-Traditional Targets

4:30 pm
5:30 pm


Open Sesame: Piping more data into the public domain (Pine/Spruce Room)

  • Conveners: Wang-Ping Chen (University of Illinois), Xiufen Zheng (China Earthquake Administration), Tim Ahern (IRIS Consortium)

Best Practices in Observational Seismological Research and Education (Hemlock Room)

  • Conveners: Meghan Miller (University of Southern California) and Danielle Sumy (IRIS Consortium)

Data Processing Infrastructure for Seismology (Oak Room)

  • Conveners: Gary Pavlis (Indiana University) and Frank Vernon (University of California, San Diego)

June 9, 2016: Workshop Day 2

Thursday, June 9th, 2016, 8:00am–5:30pm

7:00 am
5:00 pm

REGISTRATION (in front of the Heritage Ballroom)

8:00 am
8:30 am

Challenges and Opportunities for IRIS - Bob Detrick

8:30 am
10:00 am

The Legacy of the Transportable Array

Plenary Organizers: Robin Matoza & Frank Vernon

Invited Speakers: 

10:00 am
10:30 am


10:30 am
12:00 pm

Seismology Across Scales: Enhanced Imaging and Source Characterization

Plenary Organizers: Gary Pavlis & Donna Shillington

Invited Speakers:

12:00 pm
1:00 pm


1:00 pm
2:30 pm

Nexus of Technology and Methodology: Pushing the Limits of Resolution

Plenary Organizers: Katie Keranen & Fan-Chi Lin

Invited Speakers:

2:30 pm
3:30 pm


Community Wavefields Demonstration Experiment (Pine/Spruce Room)

  • Conveners: Justin Sweet (IRIS Consortium) and Kent Anderson (IRIS Consortium)

EarthScope Synthesis: Participate! (Hemlock Room)

  • Conveners: Elisabeth Nadin (University of Alaka Fairbanks) and Carl Tape (University of Alaska Fairbanks)

Work/Life Balance and Time Management: How to Increase Productivity while Staying Sane (Oak Room)

  • Conveners: Christian Poppeliers (East Carolina University) and Danielle Sumy (IRIS Consortium)

3:30 pm
5:00 pm


Posters in this session will focus on:

  • The Legacy of the Transportable Array
  • Seismology Across Scales: Enhanced Imaging and Source Characterization
  • Nexus of Technology and Methodology: Pushing the Limits of Resolution
  • Beyond the Workstation: Seismology in a Post-Desktop World
  • Education and Public Outreach

5:00 pm
6:00 pm


HPC for Seismology (Data and Simulations) (Cedar Room)

  • Conveners: Carl Tape (University of Alaska Fairbanks) and Arthur Rodgers (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)

Seismology and Social Media: Effectively Communicating Science Online (Pine/Spruce Room)

  • Conveners: Andy Frassetto (IRIS Consortium) and Justin Sweet (IRIS Consortium)

Advances in Quick Deploy Strategies for Broad- and Intermediate-Period Instruments

  • Conveners: Lara Wagner (Carnegie Institution of Washington), Diana Roman (Carnegie Institution of Washington), Kent Anderson (IRIS Consortium)

Engaging undergraduate students in research, in the classroom and the field/lab (Oak Room)

  • Conveners: Steve Jaume (College of Charleston) and John Taber (IRIS Consortium)

6:30 pm
8:00 pm

DINNER - Guest Speaker: Stephen D. Malone, Research Professor Emeritus, University of Washington

The Mount St. Helens eruptions: a catalyst for seismic network developments in the Pacific Northwest

June 10, 2016: Workshop Day 3

Friday, June 10th, 2016, 8am–12pm

7:30 am
12:00 pm

REGISTRATION (in front of the Heritage Ballroom)

8:00 am
9:30 am

Beyond the Workstation: Seismology in a Post-Desktop World

Plenary Organizers: Chuck Ammon & Chen Ji

Invited Speakers: 

9:30 am
10:00 am


10:00 am
11:00 am


11:00 am
12:00 pm


The registration period for this workshop closed at Sat, May 28, 2016 - 12:00:00 AM.

The abstract submission period for this workshop closed at Tue, May 03, 2016 - 12:01:00 PM.

The whitepaper submission period for this workshop closed at .

The webinar registration period for this workshop closed at .

A list of attendees is not yet available.

The scholarship application period for this workshop closed at Wed, March 16, 2016 - 11:59:00 PM.

Poster Boards are 4' high x 8' wide. See the specs here.

Wednesday, June 8 3-4:30 PM

The When, Where, and How of Induced Earthquakes

  1. Improving Correlation Algorithms to Better Characterize and Interpret Induced Seismicity
    Michael Brudzinski (Miami Univ. of Ohio), Robert J. Skoumal (Miami Univ. of Ohio), Brian S. Currie (Miami Univ. of Ohio)
  2. Characterizing Microseismicity at the Newberry Volcano Geothermal Site using PageRank
    Ana C. Aguiar (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Stephen C. Myers (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  3. Constraints on hypocenter locations and temporal velocity variations associated with an underground gas storage offshore Spain.
    Beatriz Gaite (ICTJA-CSIC), Arantza Ugalde (ICTJA-CSIC), Antonio Villasenor (ICTJA-CSIC)
  4. Improving Local Magnitude Determinations to Estimate b-value in North Texas
    Kevin Kwong (Southern Methodist Univ.), SeongJu Jeong (Southern Methodist Univ.), Brian Stump (Southern Methodist Univ.), Heather DeShon (Southern Methodist Univ.), Jake Walter (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
  5. West Texas seismicity and distinguishing natural from anthropogenic causes
    Jake Walter (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Cliff Frohlich (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Julia Gale (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Taylor Borgfeldt (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Susan Bilek (New Mexico Tech), Julie Gerzina (Univ. of Texas at Austin), Peter Dotray (Univ. of Texas at Austin)
  6. The 6 November 2011 M5.6 Prague, Oklahoma Aftershock Sequence Using Subspace Detection
    Nicole McMahon (Colorado State Univ.), Harley M. Benz (USGS-NEIC, Golden), Caryl E. Johnson (Introspective Systems LLC.), Richard C. Aster (Colorado State Univ.), Daniel E. McNamara (USGS-NEIC, Golden)
  7. LArge-n Seismic Survey in Oklahoma (LASSO): Probing injection-induced seismicity with a dense array
    Sara L. Dougherty (USGS), Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS), Rebecca M. Harrington (McGill Univ.)
  8. Effects of Injection Schedule on Induced Earthquakes
    Kayla A. Kroll (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Keith B. Richards-Dinger (Univ. of California Riverside), Joshua A. White (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), James H. Dieterich (Univ. of California Riverside)
  9. Application of Existing Oil and Gas Approaches for Assesment of Induced Seismic Hazard
    Robert Walker (Univ. of Southern California), Yesser Haj-Nasser (Univ. of Southern California)
  10. Stress Drop Estimates of Induced Earthquakes in the Central United States
    Yihe Huang (Stanford Univ.), Gregory C. Beroza (Stanford Univ.), William L. Ellsworth (Stanford Univ.)
  11. Stress drop and source scaling of the 2016 Fairview, Oklahoma earthquake sequence
    Qimin Wu (Virginia Tech), Martin C. Chapman (Virginia Tech)
  12. Induced-Microearthquakes Classification Using Neural Networks
    S. Mostafa Mousavi (Univ. of Memphis), Stephen P. Horton (Univ. of Memphis), Charles A. Langston (Univ. of Memphis)
  13. Seismic Noise Attenuation using Time-Frequency Analyses
    S. Mostafa Mousavi (Univ. of Memphis), Charles A. Langston (Univ. of Memphis)
  14. Peak Rates and Largest Magnitude Events in Earthquake Swarms From Different Tectonic Settings
    Stephen R. McNutt (Univ. of South Florida), Glenn Thompson (Univ. of South Florida), Jochen Braunmiller* (Univ. of South Florida), Stephen Holtkamp (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks)

Unlocking the Secrets of Subduction Zones

  1. Tremor and LFE activities in the Alaska-Aleutian subduction zone using mini seismic arrays
    Bo Li (Univ. of California-Riverside), Abhijit Ghosh (Univ. of California-Riverside)
  2. Extending Alaska’s plate boundary: tectonic tremor generated by Yakutat subduction
    Aaron G. Wech (USGS, Alaska Volcano Observatory)
  3. Initiation and Propagation Phases of Cascadia Episode Tremor and Slip Events
    Ken Creager (Univ. of Washington), Carl Ulberg (Univ. of Washington)
  4. Can clustering identify links between earthquakes and tremor and the processes driving them?
    Chastity Aiken (Institute for Geophysics, Univ. of Texas at Austin)
  5. Cascadia Seismogenic Zone Earthquake Detection and Location
    Emily Morton (New Mexico Tech), Susan Bilek (New Mexico Tech), Charlotte Rowe (Los Alamos National Laboratory)
  6. The Cascadia M9 Project and 3-D Simulations of Megathrust Earthquakes
    Erin A. Wirth (Univ. of Washington), Arthur Frankel (USGS, Seattle), John E. Vidale (Univ. of Washington)
  7. The Seismic Strong Motion Array Project (SSMAP) 2005-2015 and September 5, 2012 (Mw=7.6) Nicoya, Costa Rica Earthquake Investigation
    Gerald Simila (Cal State Univ. Northridge), E. Mohammadebrahim (Cal State Univ. Northridge), R. Quintero (Univ. Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica), K. C. McNally (Univ. of California Santa Cruz)
  8. Towards an onshore/offshore anisotropic body wave tomography model for the Cascadia Subduction Zone
    Miles Bodmer (Univ. of Oregon), Douglas R. Toomey (Univ. of Oregon), Max Bezada (Univ. of Minnesota), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico)
  9. Seismic attenuation of body waves measured across an entire oceanic plate
    Zachary Eilon (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Geoffrey A. Abers (Cornell Univ.)
  10. Seismic velocity structure of the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates revealed by a joint inversion of ambient noise and regional earthquakes
    Haiying Gao (Univ. of Massachusetts Amherst)
  11. Surface wave imaging of the Juan de Fuca plate and Cascadia subduction zone
    Helen A. Janiszewski (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), James Gaherty (LDEO, Columbia, Univ.)
  12. Constraining subduction zone dynamic beneath the Chilean seismic gap
    Jessica Domino (Binghamton Univ.), James Bourke (Binghamton Univ.), Alex Nikulin (Binghamton Univ.)
  13. Rayleigh and Love wave ambient noise tomography of the Central Andes
    Colton Lynner (Univ. of Arizona), Susan L. Beck (Univ. of Arizona), George Zandt (Univ. of Arizona), Kevin M. Ward (Univ. of Arizona), Jonathan R. Delph (Univ. of Arizona), Maureen D. Long (Yale Univ.), Lara S. Wagner (Carnegie Institution for Science)
  14. Continent-arc collision in the Banda Arc imaged by ambient noise tomography
    Robert Porritt (Univ. of Southern California), Meghan Miller (Univ. of Southern California), Leland O’Driscoll (Univ. of Southern California), Cooper Harris (Univ. of Southern California), Nova Roosmawati (Univ. of Southern California), Luis Teofilo de Costa (Institute of Petroleum and Geology, Timor Leste)
  15. Detecting slab structure beneath the Banda Arc from waveform analysis of deep focus earthquakes
    Meghan Miller (Univ. of Southern California), Daoyuan Sun (USTC), Adam Holt (Univ. of Southern California)
  16. Crustal and Uppermost Mantle Shear Velocity Structure across the Mariana Trench
    Chen Cai (Washington Univ.), Douglas A. Wiens (Washington Univ.), Daniel Lizarralde (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
  17. Lessons from USArray Informing Concepts for a Subduction Zone Observatory
    Bob Woodward (IRIS), Bob Busby (IRIS), Bob Detrick (IRIS), Andy Frassetto (IRIS)
  18. Geodetic records of subduction zone deformation from the Plate Boundary Observatory
    Christine Puskas (UNAVCO), David Phillips (UNAVCO), Kathleen Hodgkinson (UNAVCO)
  19. Imaging a magma plumbing system from MASH zone to magma reservoir
    Jonathan R. Delph (Univ. of Arizona), Kevin M. Ward (Univ. of Arizona), George Zandt (Univ. of Arizona), Susan L. Beck (Univ. of Arizona)
  20. Deep long-period earthquakes (DLPs) beneath Mount St. Helens
    Jiangang Han (Univ. of Washington), John E. Vidale (Univ. of Washington), David Schmidt (Univ. of Washington), Kenneth Creager (Univ. of Washington), Heidi Houston (Univ. of Washington)
  21. Seismic Imaging with the Mount St. Helens Node Array
    Steven Hansen (Univ. of New Mexico), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico), Alan Levander (Rice Univ.), Eric Kiser (Rice Univ.)

Renaissance Seismology: Seismology for Non-Traditional Targets

  1. Plate boundary unzipped: Dynamics of a seafloor spreading episode at the East Pacific Rise
    Yen Joe Tan (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Maya Tolstoy (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Felix Waldhauser (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), William Wilcock (Univ. of Washington)
  2. Phase bias estimation and correction for global coda correlations: Bayesian optimization of a non-diffuse wavefield
    Julien Chaput (Colorado State Univ.), Hsin-Hua Huang (Univ. of Utah), Richard Aster (Colorado State Univ.), Fan-Chi Lin (Univ. of Utah)
  3. Environmental Seismology: Using Seismic Noise to Investigate Several Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Surface Processes Across the Planet
    Robert Anthony (Colorado State Univ.), Rick Aster (Colorado State Univ.), Daniel McGrath (Colorado State Univ.), Michael Baker (Colorado State Univ.), David Duncan (Colorado State Univ.), Sara Rathburn (Colorado State Univ.), Sandra Ryan (Colorado State Univ.), Douglas Wiens (Washington Univ.), Andrew Nyblade (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Peter Bromirski (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Peter Gerstoft (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Ralph Stephen (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution)
  4. Characteristics of ambient noise near Nenana basin, central Alaska
    Kyle Smith (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Carl Tape (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Christopher Bruton (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Michael West (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks)
  5. Monitoring southwest Greenland’s ice sheet melt with ambient seismic noise
    Dylan Mikesell (Boise State Univ.), Aurelien Mordret (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Christopher Harig (Princeton Univ.), Bradley P. Lipovsky (Harvard Univ.), German A. Prieto (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
  6. Monitoring Active Layer Freeze/Thaw Using Seismic Noise
    Stephanie R. James (Univ. of Florida), Hunter A. Knox (Sandia National Laboratories), Robert E. Abbott (Sandia National Laboratories), Elizabeth J. Screaton (Univ. of Florida)
  7. Seismic Array Experiments at the Sanford Underground Research Facility (Homestake Mine) in the Black Hills of South Dakota
    Gary Pavlis (Indiana Univ.), James Atterholt (Indiana Univ.), Daniel Bowden (California Institute of Technology), Ross Caton (Indiana Univ.), Lee Liberty (Boise State Univ.), Vuk Mandic (Univ. of Minnesota), Patrick Meyers (Univ. of Minnesota), Tanner Prestegard (Univ. of Minnesota), Victor C. Tsai (California Institute of Technology)
  8. 5 years of continuous seismic monitoring of a mountain river in the Pyrenees
    Jordi Diaz, Pilar Sánchez-Pastor, ICTJA-CSIC. Josep Gallart, ICTJA-CSIC
  9. Serendipitous seismic recordings of landslides and debris flows over many scales
    Kate Allstadt (USGS, Golden)
  10. Towards an analytical model for the seismic signal generated by debris flows
    Maxime Farin (California Institute of Technology), Victor C. Tsai (California Institute of Technology), Michael P. Lamb (California Institute of Technology)
  11. Seismic Reconstruction of the 2012 Palisades Rock Fall using the analytical solution to Lamb's Problem
    Lucia Gualtieri (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Goran Ekstrom (LDEO, Columbia Univ.)
  12. Can we use high frequency seismic noise to infer local sea states, breaking wave power, and sediment transport?
    Christian Poppeliers (East Carolina Univ.)
  13. Stochastic excitation of seismic waves by a hurricane
    Annie Valovcin (Univ. of California Santa Barbara), Toshiro Tanimoto (Univ. of California Santa Barbara)
  14. Inverting for wind velocity and air temperature using volcano infrasound
    Hugo Ortiz (Boise State Univ.), Jeffrey Johnson (Boise State Univ.), Mario Ruiz (Instituto Geofisico Escuela Politecnica Nacional)

Thursday, June 9 3:30-5 PM

The Legacy of the Transportable Array

  1. A sharp gradient in seismic anisotropy across the Appalachian Mountains constrained by observations of Love-to-Rayleigh wave scattering
    Maureen D. Long (Yale Univ.), Margaret H. Benoit (The College of New Jersey), Juan C. Aragon (Yale Univ.)
  2. Crust and lithospheric structure of the Mid-Atlantic Margin from the MAGIC seismic array
    Margaret H. Benoit (The College of New Jersey), Maureen Long (Yale Univ.), Scott King (Virginia Tech), Eric Kirby (Oregon State Univ.)
  3. Moho Temperature and Compositional Controls on Lithospheric Bending Strength in the Western United States
    Derek L. Schutt (Colorado State Univ.), Anthony R. Lowry (Utah State Univ.), Janine S. Buehler (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego)
  4. Modeling Lithospheric Velocity within the Southwestern US
    Ryan Porter (Northern Arizona University), William Holt (SUNY Stonybrook)
  5. A plume-triggered delamination origin for the Columbia River flood basalts
    Amberlee Darold (USGS, CVO), Gene Humphreys (Univ. of Orgeon)
  6. Recent craton growth by under-accretion an ocean plateau beneath Wyoming
    Gene Humphreys (Univ. of Oregon), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico), Max Bezada (Univ. of Minnesota)
  7. Automatic detection and cataloging of global explosive volcanism using the IMS infrasound network
    Robin S. Matoza (Univ. of California Santa Barbara), David N. Green (AWE Blacknest, UK), Alexis Le Pichon (CEA/DAM/DIF, France), David Fee (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Peter Shearer (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Pierrick Mialle (CTBTO, Vienna), Lars Ceranna (BGR, Hannover)
  8. A regional study of atmospheric gravity waves using the USArray Transportable Array
    Michael A. H. Hedlin (Univ. of California San Diego), Claudia Stephan (Univ. of Reading), Catherine D. de Groot-Hedlin (Univ. of California San Diego)

Seismology Across Scales: Enhanced Imaging and Source Characterization

  1. Surface Wave Phase Velocity Observations from the Malawi Rift: A unique on-shore/off-shore passive source experiment
    Natalie Accardo (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), James Gaherty (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Andrew Nyblade (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Cindy Ebinger (Univ. of Rochester), Derek Keir (Univ. of Southampton), Gabriel Mbogoni (Geological Survey of Tanzania), Patrick Chindandali (Geological Survey of Malawi), Gabriel Mulibo (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Richard Ferdinand-Wambura (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), Godson Kamihanda (Geological Survey of Tanzania)
  2. Crust and upper mantle velocity structure beneath and surrounding the northern Lake Malawi/Nyasa Rift Basin from the SEGMeNT project
    Andy Nyblade (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), David Borrego (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Donna Shillington (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), James Gaherty (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Cynthia Ebinger (Univ. of Rochester), Natalie Accardo (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Gabriel Mbogoni (Tanzania Geological Survey), Gabriel Mulibo (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), Richard Ferdinand (Univ. of Dar es Salaam), Patrick Chindandali (Malawi Geological Survey), Felix Mphepo (Malawi Geological Survey)
  3. Rayleigh Wave Phase Velocity in the Indian Ocean Upper Mantle
    Karen Godfrey (Brown Univ.), Colleen Dalton (Brown Univ.)
  4. Indian Ocean upper mantle structure from surface wave tomography
    Zhitu Ma (Brown Univ.), Colleen Dalton (Brown Univ.)
  5. Diffractional Imaging of Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Using SdS-SS Traveltimes
    Zhen Guo (Virginia Tech), Ying Zhou (Virginia Tech)
  6. Roughness of the Mantle Transition Zone Discontinuities Revealed by High Resolution Wavefield Imaging with the Earthscope Transportable Array
    Yinzhi Wang (Indiana Univ.), Gary L. Pavlis (Indiana Univ.)
  7. Preliminary Results of Searching for Upper Mantle Discontinuities
    S. Shawn Wei (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Peter M. Shearer (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Janine S. Buehler (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego)
  8. Receiver Function Analysis of the Arabian Plate and Deep Earthquakes Beneath Harrat Lunayyir
    Alexander Blanchette (Stanford Univ.), Simon Klemperer (Stanford Univ.), Walter Mooney (USGS), Hani Zahran (Saudi Geological Survey), Salah El-Hadidy (Saudi Geological Survey)
  9. Reconciliation of Moho depths beneath the Ordos plateau, China, given by Receiver Functions (RF) and Virtual Deep Seismic Sounding (VDSS)
    Tianze Liu (Stanford Univ.), Simon Klemperer (Stanford Univ.)
  10. Structural features from seismic tomography on Reykjanes, SW Iceland
    Philippe Jousset (GFZ Potsdam), Kristjan Agustsson (Iceland Geosurvey), Arie Verdel (TNO, The Netherlands), Hanna Blanck (Iceland Geosurvey), Steven Franke (AWI, Neumayer Station, Antarctica), Malte Metz (Potsdam Univ.), Trond Ryberg (GFZ Potsdam), Gylfi Pall Hersir (Iceland Geosurvey), Cornelis Weemstra (Univ. Delft, The Netherlands), David Bruhn (GFZ Potsdam)
  11. Adjoint tomography of the North American continent
    Hejun Zhu (Univ. of Texas at Dallas), Jeroen Tromp (Princeton Univ.)
  12. Wavefield simulations of earthquakes in southern Alaska for tomographic inversion
    Vipul Silwal (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Carl Tape (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks)
  13. Seismic Structure Beneath the Northern Mississippi Embayment: Inverting Receiver Functions, Surface-Wave Dispersion, and Gravity Observations
    Chenping Chai (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Charles J. Ammon (The Pennsylvania State Univ.), Robert B. Herrmann (Saint Louis Univ.), Akram Mostafanejad (IRIS/PASSCAL), Charles A. Langston (Univ. of Memphis)
  14. Nature of the crust in central Idaho and eastern Oregon from anisotropic/isotropic ambient seismic noise tomography: results from the IDOR project
    Paul Bremner (Univ. of Florida), Mark P. Panning (Univ. of Florida), Ray Russo (Univ. of Florida), Victor Mocanu (Univ. of Bucharest), A. Christian Stanciu (Virginia Tech), Megan Torpey (Univ. of Florida), Sutatcha Hongsresawat (Mahidol Univ., Thailand), John C. VanDecar (Carnegie Institution for Science)
  15. EarthScope IDOR controlled-source and broadband seismic imaging across the edge of the craton and accreted terranes in Idaho and eastern Oregon
    A. Christian Stanciu (Univ. of Florida), Kathy K. Davenport (Virginia Tech), Raymond M. Russo (Univ. of Florida), John A. Hole (Virginia Tech), Victor I. Mocanu (Univ. of Bucharest), Paul M. Bremner (Univ. of Florida), Sutatcha Hongsresawat (Univ. of Florida), Megan E. Torpey (Univ. of Florida), Steven H. Harder (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), Basil Tikoff (Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison), David A. Foster (Univ. of Florida), John A. VanDecar (Carnegie Institution for Science)
  16. Flow in the asthenospheric channel beneath the Juan de Fuca and Gorda plates: Results from seismic imaging with Cascadia Initiative Data
    Joseph S. Byrnes (Univ. of Oregon), Miles Bodmer (Univ. of Oregon), Douglas R. Toomey (Univ. of Oregon), Emilie E. E. Hooft (Univ. of Oregon), John Nabelek (Oregon State Univ.), Jochen Braunmiller (Univ. of South Florida)
  17. Preliminary analysis of Pn anisotropy beneath the Juan de Fuca Plate
    Brandon P. Venderbeek (Univ. of Oregon), Douglas R. Toomey (Univ. of Oregon)
  18. Analysis of high frequency air-gun shots recorded by Cascadia Initiative ocean bottom seismometers
    Sampath Rathnayaka (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst), Haiying Gao (Univ. of Massachusetts, Amherst)
  19. Phase Velocity Tomography of Mount St. Helens, Washington from iMUSH Array
    Kayla Crosbie (Cornell Univ.), Geoff Abers (Cornell Univ.), Kenneth Creager (Univ. of Washington), Seth Moran (USGS, Cascade Volcano Observatory), Roger Denlinger (USGS, Cascade Volcano Observatory), Carl Ulberg (Univ. of Washington)
  20. Local earthquake P-wave tomography at Mount St. Helens with the iMUSH broadband array
    Carl Ulberg (Univ. of Washington), Kenneth Creager (Univ. of Washington), Geoffrey Abers (Cornell Univ.), Alan Levander (Rice Univ.), Eric Kiser (Rice Univ.), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico), John Vidale (Univ. of Washington), Heidi Houston (Univ. of Washington)
  21. Local near-instantaneous dynamic triggering of large earthquakes
    Wenyuan Fan (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego), Peter M. Shearer (SIO, Univ. of California San Diego)
  22. Imaging 2015 Mw 7.8 Gorkha earthquake in Nepal and its aftershock sequence using global and local seismic arrays
    Abhijit Ghosh (Univ. of California Riverside), Bo Li (Univ. of California Riverside), Manuel Mendoza (Univ. of California Riverside), Soma Nath Sapkota (Dept. of Mines and Geology, Nepal), Lok Bijay Adhikari (Dept. of Mines and Geology, Nepal), Marianne S. Karplus (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), John Nabelek (Oregon State Univ.), Aaron Velasco (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), Simon L. Klemperer (Stanford Univ.), Mohan Pant (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), Vaclav Kuna (Oregon State Univ.), Ezer Patlan (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)
  23. Rupture process of the 2015 Mw 8.3 Illapel, Chile earthquake constrained by strong-motion, high-rate GPS and teleseismic data
    Xiong Xiong (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Yong Zheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Chengli Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences), Bin Shan (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
  24. Eastern North American Margin (ENAM): Preliminary results of onshore active source seismic data from the Community Seismic Experiment
    Thomas W. Luckie (Univ. of New Mexico), Lindsay Lowe Worthington (Univ. of New Mexico), Maria Beatrice Magnani (Southern Methodist Univ.)
  25. Extension and magmatism across the Suwanee Suture and South Georgia Basin from the SUGAR seismic refraction experiment
    Donna J. Shillington (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Rachel Marzen (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Daniel Lizarralde (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution), Steven Harder (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)
  26. Lateral variations within the continental lithosphere: Lessons from waveform modeling
    Nicholas Mancinelli (Brown Univ.), Karen Fischer (Brown Univ.)
  27. Lithospheric Discontinuities in Illinois Basin and their Tectonic Implications: Results from the EarthScope OIINK Experiment
    Xiaotao Yang (Indiana Univ.), Gary L. Pavlis (Indiana Univ.), Michael W. Hambuger (Indiana Univ.), Hersh Gilbert (Purdue Univ.), Stephen Marshak (Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), Timothy H. Larson (Illinois State Geological Survey), Chen Chen (Purdue Univ.)
  28. Looking inside the microseismic cloud using seismic interferometry
    Eric Matzel (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Andrea Rhode (Univ. of Texas at Dallas), Christina Morency (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Dennise Templeton (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Moira Pyle (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  29. Estimation of full moment tensors with uncertainties
    Celso Alvizuri (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Vipul Silwal (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Carl Tape (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks)
  30. The Source Physics Experiment Large Array: A First Look
    Robert Mellors (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Catherine Snelson (Los Alamos National Laboratory), Ting Chen (Los Alamos National Laboratory), William Walter (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Satish Pullammanappallil (Optim, Inc), Dustin Naphan (Optim, Inc), Dennis Huff (Greyco, Inc), Arben Pitarka (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Jesse Bonner (National Security Technologies), Frank Spenia (National Security Technologies), Robert White (National Security Technologies), Beth Dzenitis (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory), Leon Berzins (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
  31. 3-D Directivity Analysis of Deep Earthquakes in the Sea of Okhotsk Region
    Sunyoung Park (Harvard Univ.), Miaki Ishii (Harvard Univ.)
  32. Constraints on radial anisotropy in the central Pacific upper mantle from the NoMelt OBS array
    Joshua Russell (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), James B. Gaherty (LDEO, Columbia Univ.), Peiying (Patty) Lin (Taiwan Ocean Research Institute), Ge Jin (ConocoPhillips)
  33. Seismic Investigation of the Kunlun Fault: Analysis of the INDEPTH 2-D Active-source Seismic Dataset
    William Seelig (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), Marianne Karplus (Univ. of Texas at El Paso)

Nexus of Technology and Methodology:Pushing the Limits of Resolution

  1. Full-waveform imaging of the magmatic-hydrothermal reaction zone beneath a mid-ocean ridge
    Gillean M. Arnoux (Univ. of Oregon), Douglas R. Toomey (Univ. of Oregon), Emilie E. E. Hooft (Univ. of Oregon), William S. D. Wilcock (Univ. of Washington), Joanna Morgan (Imperial College London), Michael Warner (Imperial College London), and Brandon P. VanderBeek (Univ. of Oregon)
  2. Seismic Imaging of Newberry Volcano
    Benjamin Heath (Univ. of Oregon), Emilie Hooft (Univ. of Oregon), Douglas Toomey (Univ. of Oregon)
  3. Subsurface Imaging in Yellowstone Using Ambient Noise
    Sin-Mei Wu (Univ. of Utah), Fan-Chi Lin (Univ. of Utah), and Jamie Farrell (Univ. of Utah)
  4. Upper crustal LP earthquakes during quiescent period at Mount St. Helens in Summer 2014
    Margaret Glasgow (Univ. of New Mexico), Steve Hansen (Univ. of New Mexico), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico)
  5. Systematic detection of seismic events at Mount St. Helens with an ultra-dense array
    Xiaofeng Meng (Univ. of Washington), Renate Hartog (PNSN), Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico), Alicia Hotovec-Ellis (Univ. of Washington), Steven Hansen (Univ. of New Mexico), John Vidale (Univ. of Washington), Jake Vanderplas (Univ. of Washington)
  6. Rayleigh wave tomography of Mount St. Helens, Washington from ambient seismic noise
    Yadong Wang (Univ. of Utah), Fan-Chi Lin (Univ. of Utah), Jamie Farrell (Univ. of Utah), and Brandon Schmandt (Univ. of New Mexico)
  7. Isolating retrograde and prograde Rayleigh wave modes using a polarity mute
    Gabriel Gribler (Boise State Univ.), Lee M. Liberty (Boise State Univ.), and T. Dylan Mikesell (Boise State Univ.)
  8. Detecting invisible events using local similarity conversion for dense arrays
    Zefeng Li (Georgia Tech) and Zhigang Peng (Georgia Tech)
  9. Monitoring ground motion with ultra-long and ultra-dense networks
    Philippe Jousset (GFZ Potsdam), Thomas Reinsch (GFZ Potsdam), Jan Henninges (GFZ Potsdam), Hanna Blanck (ISOR, Iceland Geosurvey), and Trond Ryberg (GFZ Potsdam)
  10. Next Generation Portable Broadband Systems
    Tim Parker (Nanometrics Inc.) and Andrew Moores (Nanometrics Inc.)
  11. Data Latency and Compression
    Joseph M. Steim (Quanterra Inc.) and Edelvays N. Spassov (Kinemetrics Inc.)

Beyond the Workstation: Seismology in a Post-Desktop World

  1. A Seismic Outreach: Shifting the Sentiment of Science in Oklahoma
    Jennifer K. Morris (Oklahoma Geological Survey) and Jefferson C. Chang (Oklahoma Geological Survey)
  2. Crowd-Sourcing Seismic Data for Research and Education Opportunities with the Quake-Catcher Network
    Danielle F. Sumy (IRIS Consortium), Robert M. de Groot (USGS, Pasadena), Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS, Pasadena)
  3. GISMO: A MATLAB toolbox for seismic research, monitoring & education
    Glenn Thompson (Univ. of South Florida), Celso Reyes (unaffiliated)
  4. What to do, with waveforms from decades of analog recording in the US?
    Paul G. Richards (Lamont-Doherty Earth Obs. of Columbia Univ.)

Education and Public Outreach

  1. GeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. HelensGeoGirls: A Geology and Geophysics Field Camp for Middle School Girls at Mount St. Helens
    Catherine Samson (Western Washington Univ. and Mt. St. Helens Inst.), Kate Allstadt* (USGS), Abi Groskopf (USGS), Sonja Melander (USGS), Elizabeth Westby (USGS), and Carolyn Driedger (USGS)
  2. Overview of EarthScope Transportable Array Outreach Activities in Alaska and Western Canada
    Lea Gardine (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Perle M. Dorr* (IRIS Consortium), Carl Tape (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), Tammy Bravo (IRIS Consortium), Joel Cubley (Yukon College), Mary Samolczyk (Yukon College), Michael E. West (Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks), and Robert W. Busby (IRIS Consortium)
  3. Earthquake Locations and Seismic Velocities Using a Minimum of Assumptions
    Steven C. Jaume (College of Charleston), Dante Curcio (College of Charleston)
  4. Educational access to real-time seismic data
    Tammy Bravo (IRIS), Kevin Frechette (ISTI)

Wednesday, June 8 3-4:30 PM and Thursday, June 9 3:30-5 PM

Facilities, Operations, and Management

  1. PH5 for integrating and archiving different data types
    Steve Azevedo (IRIS/PASSCAL), Derick Hess (IRIS/PASSCAL), Bruce Beaudoin (IRIS/PASSCAL)
  2. Simplifying SEED metadata creation; Nexus Application
    Lloyd Carothers (IRIS/PASSCAL), Bruce Beaudoin (IRIS/PASSCAL), Steve Azevedo (IRIS/PASSCAL)
  3. ShakeAlert Testing and Certification Platform: Point Source and Ground Motion Based Evaluations
    Elizabeth S. Cochran (USGS, Pasadena), Monica D. Kohler (California Institute of Technology), Douglas D. Given (USGS, Pasadena), Jen Andrews (California Institute of Technology), Men-Andrin Meier (California Institute of Technology), Egill Hauksson (California Institute of Technology), Sarah Minson (USGS, Menlo Park), Mohammad Ahmad (USGS, Pasadena), Jonathan DeLeon (USGS, Pasadena), Stephen Guiwits (USGS, Pasadena)
  4. Array Network Facility Operations for the Central and Eastern United States Network
    Trilby Cox (USArray ANF, SIO-UCSD), Frank Vernon (Univ. of California San Diego), Jennifer Eakins (Univ. of California San Diego), Geoff Davis (Univ. of California San Diego), Jon Meyer (Univ. of California San Diego), Juan Reyes (Univ. of California San Diego), Jon Tytell (Univ. of California San Diego), Robert Busby (IRIS)
  5. Leveraging EarthScope USArray with the Central and Eastern United States Seismic Network
    Robert W. Busby (IRIS), Danielle F. Sumy* (IRIS), Robert L. Woodward (IRIS), Michael Brudzinski (Miami Univ. of Ohio)
  6. Use of MUSTANG in IDA DCC Operations
    Peter Davis (Univ. of California San Diego), Mary Templeton (IRIS), Robert Casey (IRIS), Tim Ahern (IRIS)
  7. New DMC Data Products
    Alexander Hutko (IRIS DMC), Manoch Bahavar (IRIS DMC), Chad Trabant (IRIS DMC), Robert Weekly (IRIS DMC), Mick Van Fossen (IRIS DMC)
  8. The IRIS Federator: Accessing Seismological Data Across Data Centers
    Mick Van Fossen (IRIS DMC), Chad Trabant (IRIS DMC), Tim Ahern (IRIS DMC), and Robert Weekly (IRIS DMC)
  9. OBSIP: An Evolving Facility for the Future of Geoscience
    Brent Evers (IRIS OBSIP), Kasey Aderhold (IRIS OBSIP)
  10. EarthScope Magnetotellurics: Program Status and Science Examples
    Andy Frassetto (IRIS), Adam Schultz (Oregon State Univ.), Bob Woodward (IRIS)
  11. The Global Seismographic Network (GSN): Proposed Equipment Upgrades for Maintaining High Quality Network Performance
    Katrin Hafner (IRIS), Pete Davis (IDA, Univ. of California San Diego), Dave Wilson (ASL, USGS), Bob Woodward (IRIS), Danielle Sumy (IRIS)
  12. The Seismic Source Facility: Turnkey Seismic (Explosion) Sources for Active-Source Profiling
    Steven Harder (Univ. of Texas at El Paso), David Okaya (Univ. of Southern California)
  13. Seismic Observations of Surface-Hole Installation Techniques
    Justin Sweet (IRIS), Noel Barstow (IRIS/PASSCAL), Bruce Beaudoin (IRIS/PASSCAL), Cathy Pfeifer (IRIS/PASSCAL), Kent Anderson (IRIS)
First Name Last Name Institution
Robert Abbott Sandia National Laboratories
Natalie Accardo Columbia University - LDEO
Maite Agopian EarthScope National Office
Ana Aguiar Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Chastity Aiken Institute for Geophysics, University of Texas at Austin
Richard Allen UC Berkeley
Kate Allstadt USGS
Celso Alvizuri University of Alaska Fairbanks
Charles Ammon Penn State
Kent Anderson IRIS
Gillean Arnoux University of Oregon
Richard Aster Colorado State University
Luciana Astiz National Science Foundation
Brad Avenson Silicon Audio
Sandra Azevedo New Mexico Tech
Benjamin Baker ISTI
Timothy Bartholomaus University of Idaho
Bruce Beaudoin IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
Margaret Benoit The College of New Jersey
Rick Benson IRIS
Barbara Bieta University of Silesia
Susan Bilek New Mexico Tech
Alexander Blanchette Stanford University
Lara Bland GeoNet Project, GNS Science
Miles Bodmer University of Oregon
Katherine Boggs Mount Royal University, Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Jochen Braunmiller University of South Florida
Tammy Bravo IRIS
Paul Bremner University of Florida
Florent Brenguier Univ. Grenoble Alpes - CNRS
Nan Broadbent Seismological Society of America
Emily Brodsky UC Santa Cruz
Michael Brudzinski Miami University
Scott Burdick University of Maryland
Robert Busby IRIS
Robert Butler University of Portland
Joseph Byrnes University of Oregon
Chen Cai Washington University in St. Louis
RECEP CAKIR WA State Dept of Natural Resources
Lloyd Carothers IRIS PASSCAL
Mark Chadwick GNS Science, New Zealand
Chengping Chai Penn State
Jefferson Chang Oklahoma Geological Survey
Julien Chaput Colorado State University
Wang-Ping Chen Zhejiang U & U of Illinois
Xiaowei Chen University of Oklahoma
Elizabeth Cochran U.S. Geological Survey
Trilby Cox USArray ANF (UCSD-SIO)
Kenneth Creager University of Washington
Kayla Crosbie Cornell University
Amberlee Darold USGS
Peter Davis UCSD
Jonathan Delph University of Arizona
Heather DeShon Southern Methodist University
Robert Detrick IRIS
Jessica Domino Binghamton University
Mladen Dordevic IRIS
Perle Dorr IRIS
Sara Dougherty U.S. Geological Survey
Jennifer Eakins UC San Diego
David Eaton University of Calgary
Zachary Eilon LDEO Columbia University
Brent Evers IRIS
Wenyuan Fan Scripps Institution of Oceanography
Maxime Farin Seismolab, Caltech
Rafael Ferreira da Silva University of Southern California
Karen Fischer Brown University
Andrew Frassetto IRIS
James Gaherty LDEO -- Columbia University
BEATRIZ GAITE Institute of Earth Sciences Jaume Almera, ICTJA-CSIC
Haiying Gao University of Massachusetts Amherst
Margaret Glasgow University of New Mexico
Karen Godfrey Brown University
Gabriel Gribler Boise State University
Lucia Gualtieri Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory of Columbia University
Zhen Guo Virginia Tech
Katrin Hafner IRIS
Yesser HajNasser USC
Jiangang Han University of Washington
Steven Hansen University of New Mexico
Steven Harder University of Texas at El Paso
Benjamin Heath University of Oregon
Michael Hedlin UC San Diego
Steve Holbrook University of Wyoming
John Hole Virginia Tech
Susan Hough US Geological Survey
Heidi Houston University of Washington
Yihe Huang Stanford University
Audrey Huerta Central Washington University
Eugene Humphreys Univ of Oregon
Alexander Hutko IRIS
Lorraine Hwang UC Davis
Miaki Ishii Harvard University
Stephanie James University of Florida
Helen Janiszewski LDEO, Columbia University
Steven Jaume College of Charleston
Chen Ji UCSB
Leonard Johnson National Science Foundation
Jenda Johnson Earth Sciences Animated (IRIS contractor)
Jeffrey Johnson Boise State University
Joshua Jones Unaffiliated
Philippe Jousset GFZ Potsdam
Marianne Karplus University of Texas at El Paso
Randy Keller University of Oklahoma
Kayla Kroll LLNL
Ivan Kurz CU Boulder
Kevin Kwong Southern Methodist University
Todd Lau WA DNR- Geology and Earth Resources
Thorne Lay University of California Santa Cruz
Zefeng Li Georgia Institute of Technology
BO LI University of California, Riverside
Fan-Chi Lin University of Utah
Leslie Linn IRIS
Lisa Linville University of Utah
Tianze Liu Stanford University
Maureen Long Yale University
Lindsay Lowe Worthington University of New Mexico
Thomas Luckie University of New Mexico
Colton Lynner University of Arizona
Zhitu Ma Brown University
Maria Beatrice Magnani Southern Methodist University
Stephen D Malone Univ. of Washington
Nicholas Mancinelli Brown University
Robin Matoza University of California, Santa Barbara
Glen Mattioli UNAVCO, Inc.
Eric Matzel LLNL
Nicole McMahon Colorado State University
Robert Mellors LLNL
Maciej Mendecki University of Silesia
Xiaofeng Meng University of Washington
Dylan Mikesell Boise State University
Kate Miller Texas A&M University
Meghan Miller USC
Sarah Minson U.S. Geological Survey
Charles Monfort Martin, Blanck & Associates
Andrew Moores Nanometrics
Seth Moran USGS - Cascades Volcano Observatory
Jennifer Morris Oklahoma Geological Survey
Emily Morton New Mexico Tech
seyedmostafa mousavi university of memphis
Arjun Neupane Washington University in St. Louis
James Ni New Mexico State University
Alex Nikulin Binghamton University
Tarje Nissen-Meyer University of Oxford
Andrew Nyblade Penn State University
David Okaya Univ. Southern California
Sarah Jaye Oliva University of Rochester
John Orcutt Scripps Institution of Oceanography (SIO/UCSD)
Hugo Ortiz Boise State University
Kristine Pankow University of Utah
Mohan Pant University of Texas at El Paso
Sunyoung Park Harvard University
Tim Parker Nanometrics
Benjamin Pauk U.S. Geological Survey/Cascades Volcano Observatory
Gary Pavlis Indiana University
Jeremy Pesicek USGS CVO
Krystin Poitra IRIS
Christian Poppeliers East Carolina University
Robert Porritt University of Arizona
Ryan Porter Northern Arizona University
Jay Pulliam Baylor University
Christine Puskas UNAVCO
Jared Raczka Trimble Navigation, Ltd.
Sampath Rathnayaka University of Massachusetts, Amherst
Paul Richards Columbia University
Arthur Rodgers LLNL
Diana Roman Carnegie Institution for Science
Stanley Ruppert LLNL
Joshua Russell LDEO - Columbia University
Teresa Saavedra IRIS
Brandon Schmandt University of New Mexico
Frederick Schult Air Force Research Laboratory
Bernd Schurr GFZ Potsdam
Derek Schutt Colorado State University
Susan Schwartz UC Santa Cruz
Alissa Scire IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
William Seelig University of Texas at El Paso
Paul Segall Stanford University
Gillian Sharer IRIS
Donna Shillington Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
Brian Shiro USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
Vipul Silwal UAF
Gerald Simila Cal State Univ. Northridge
George Slad Sandia National Lab
Kyle Smith University of Alaska - Fairbanks
Catherine Snelson Los Alamos National Laboratory
Edelvays Spassov Kinemetrics
Neil Spriggs Nanometrics
Danielle Sumy IRIS
Justin Sweet IRIS
John Taber IRIS
Yen Joe Tan Columbia University
Carl Tape University of Alaska Fairbanks
Weston Thelen Cascade Volcano Observatory
Glenn Thompson University of South Florida
Bruce Townsend Nanometrics
Chad Trabant IRIS
Victor Tsai California Institute of Technology
Carl Ulberg University of Washington
Annie Valovcin University of California Santa Barbara
Mick Van Fossen IRIS
Brandon VanderBeek University of Oregon
Frank Vernon UCSD
John Vidale U of Wash
Rhiannon Vieceli LLNL
Jessica Villagomez-Lopez UPRM
Lara Wagner Carnegie Institution for Science
Felix Waldhauser LDEO, Columbia University
Robert Walker University of Southern California
William Walter Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Jacob Walter University of Texas at Austin
Kelin Wang Geological Survey of Canada
Yinzhi Wang Indiana University
Yadong Wang University of Utah
Kevin Ward The University of Arizona
Aaron Wech US Geological Survey
Bruce Weertman IRIS DMC
Songqiao Wei IGPP, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, UCSD
John West Arizona State University
Michael West Univ. Alaska Fairbanks
Paul Winberry Central Washington University
Erin Wirth University of Washington
Bob Woodward IRIS
Rob Woolley IRIS
Qimin Wu Virginia Tech
Sin-Mei Wu University of Utah
Xiong Xiong Institute of Geodesy and Geophysics, CAS
Xiaotao Yang Indiana University
Eva Zanzerkia NSF
Xiufen Zheng Institute of Geophysics, China Earthquake Administration
Hejun Zhu UT Dallas
Leonid Zimakov Trimble Navigation Ltd.
Important Dates
  • Registration:
    Feb 1st – May 28th
  • Hotel RSVN Deadline:
    Wed, May 18th, 11pm
  • Scholarship Application:
    Feb 1st – Mar 16th
  • Abstract Submissions:
    Feb 1st – May 3rd
  • Workshop Location