Wednesday, April 13th, 2016, 7:30am–6:30pm

7:30 am
8:15 am

BREAKFAST - Atrium 3

8:15 am
9:30 am

MEETING - Grand Ballroom


  • [Ringler/Holland] Next generation VBB borehole sensors
  • [Pfeifer] Meridian Compact, acceptance test statistics of Posthole sensor deliveries
  • [Fry/Schultz] Modifying ZENs (getting more out of a problematic instrument)
  • [Becerril] A novel approach in removing ocean wave loading noise: The horizontal pressure gradient
  • [Sweet] Comparing sensor deployment strategies, methodologies

9:30 am
9:45 am

BREAK - Grand Ballroom

9:45 am
11:15 am

Production and Operations

  • [Carpenter]  Engineering process and feedback loops/Engineering drawing and distribution
  • [Busby] TA experience in decision and process of going into outsource production
  • Pop Up: [Sweet] XEOS
  • [Beaudoin] Large inventory management and long term experiment planning, portable experiment equipment preparation and checklists, maintenance database
  • [Ebeling] Procedures for testing configurations before shipping of equipment
  • Pop up: [Aderhold] Battery Survey

11:15 am
12:00 pm

Wrap Up [Bob Woodward]

12:00 pm
6:00 pm

Box Lunch and Field Trip

1 hour drive to Piñon Flat Observatory

~3 hours for tour led by Don Elliott

  •     [Frank Vernon] TA and PASSCAL related issues, rotations sensors, and ANZA
  •     [John Orcutt] Boreholes
  •     [Pete Davis] IDA
  •     [Don Elliott] Laser strainmeters, infrasound instruments

1 hour drive back to Palm Springs

6:30 pm

Informal Group Dinner