
Workshop on Arrays in Global Seismology

May 15th – 16th, 2013
Raleigh, NC

Workshop on Arrays in Global Seismology: Workshop Webpage

Organizers: Chuck Ammon, Pablo Ampuero, Colleen Dalton, Keith Koper

Global Seismology continues to advance steadily using well-established global and regional seismographic networks. Valuable and unique observations of earthquake processes will continue to be harvested from these facilities for many years to come, as will additional constraints on the seismic properties of Earth’s interior. However, a transformative advance in seismology will require an ambitious data collection effort that greatly increases the information available to explore earthquake ruptures and Earth’s interior. A large-scale effort to deploy intermediate-term seismic arrays offers an avenue for such an advance. Expanding fundamental seismological observations from ground motion at isolated points on the globe to large-aperture, broadband observations of ground motion, ground-motion gradients (beneath the arrays), and wavefield slowness provides an opportunity to increase the information available to investigate earthquakes and Earth’s interior.

The goal of this workshop is to bring together experts in global seismology and seismic array analyses to discuss the principles and current state of array seismology and explore the potential for establishing an internationally supported array of broadband seismographic arrays. Through group interaction and breakout discussions targeting key topics attendees will articulate the major scientific motivations for array studies, identify resources available and potential needs, lay the groundwork for international collaborations. A potential goal of the workshop will be to draft a white paper that can be used to drive long-term goals related to an international arrays facility.