The GSN is managed and operated using a unique model and is a joint partnership between EarthScope Consortium (with funding from the NSF) and the USGS. Management and funding of the EarthScope/IDA and USGS/ASL network operations is provided by separate organizations and facilities.
On the EarthScope side, the GSN operates under a standardized management and oversight structure, i.e. program manager and advisory committee. Operations are implemented through a combination of direct EarthScope employees, subawards to UCSD/IDA and partnerships with the USGS and other agencies. EarthScope provides the GSN program manager (PM) and organizes the advisory GSN Standing Committee (GSNSC). The PM oversees the UCSD-IDA operations subaward and manages the EarthScope/GSN program budget and overall plans. The PM also helps to coordinate activities between the network operators and represents the program (along with the chair of the GSNSC) to the EarthScope Board of Directors.
U.S. Geological Survey's Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory (~2/3 of the GSN)
The ASL Scientist-in-Charge in Albuquerque, New Mexico provides the management for the USGS portion of GSN network and DCC operations.
Project IDA (International Deployment of Accelerometers), operated by the Institute of Geophysics and Planetary Physics, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego (~1/3 of the GSN)
The Project IDA PI and Executive Director manage the IDA network operations and the DCC through a subaward from EarthScope funded by NSF.
In addition, GSN coordinates and collaborates with many other Network Operators, nationally and internationally, including: