GSN Citations

EarthScope actively maintains a compilation of scientific citations in which NSF SAGE Facility data, facilities and/or instruments are acknowledged.  On this page we highlight those publications that specifically use data from Global Seismographic Network (GSN) stations, i.e. GSN stations with II, IU, IC and CU network codes.  Journals were searched for the following key words:

  • SN/II and
  • SN/IU and
  • SN/IC and
  • SN/CU and
  • IDA/ International Deployment of Accelerometers
  •  GSN
  •  Global Seismic/Seismologic/Seismograph/Seismographic Network
  • Global CMT/ Global Centroid-Moment-Tensor
    • Ekström Et al 2012
  • Global Seismic (combined with IRIS, USGS)
  • Station codes for the top 20 most downloaded station data IU.ANMO, II.PFO, II.BRVK/ II.BORK, II.KURK, II.AAK, IU.QSPA, IC.MDJ, IU.MAKZ , II.DGAR, II.KDAK, II.WRAB, II.RAYN, II.KAPI, IU.SJG, GT.VNDA (auxiliary seismic station), IU.ADK, IU.CTAO, IU.MWBA, II.NIL


The detailed results of the search process are outlined in each yearly document below, and an overview of the results were presented at the recent 2022 Geophysical Data Citation, Attribution, and Licensing Workshop (slides/presentation).

Recent Science Highlights

To cite GSN:

Example citation in an Acknowledgement:

Global Seismographic Network (GSN) is a cooperative scientific facility operated jointly by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the United States Geological Survey (USGS). The NSF component is part of NSF’s NSF SAGE Facility, operated by EarthScope Consortium under Cooperative Support Agreement EAR-1851048.

Additionally, please include the references for all networks where data were used as outlined in the Data Services section of EarthScope's citation instructions. These include IU, II, IC, CU and the most up-to-date citation and DOIs for networks can be queried using the FDSN network reference tool.