With the recognition that the acquisition systems of the GSN age, IRIS initiated a long-term project to upgrade the field electronics to a next generation system (NGS). The new design, developed jointly by the GSN network operators (USGS Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory and Project IDA), incorporates a sensor interface box and power distribution module with the Quanterra Q330HR data acquisition system (DAS). The NGS standardizes the stations of the Global Seismographic Network between the network operators, which allows for more uniform installation, operation and maintenance techniques for the network (click here for instrumentation information). In addition to the DAS and interface items, we are taking the opportunity to upgrade power, communications, sensor systems and basic site infrastructure during the upgrade visits. The end goal is to not only enhance the operational performance of the GSN, but improve data quality at the same time.
With funds from the US Geological Survey made available under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 and augmentation funding to IRIS from the National Science Foundation, the GSN procured all the necessary components to upgrade the stations to NGS. Rollout of the new systems across the entire GSN is almost complete. As of February 2015, upgrades have been made to 141 stations of the GSN, which constitutes approximately 92% of the network.
For more detailed information, see the Next Generation System (NGS) rollout page