IRIS Announces 2010 Slate of Candidates

The IRIS Nominations Committee has announced the following candidates to fill several positions on the Board of Directors:

One candidate to fill a 3-year term as Chair:

  • Brian Stump, Southern Methodist University

Four candidates to fill two 3-year terms as Directors:

  • Paul Davis, University of California, Los Angeles
  • John Louie, University of Nevada, Reno
  • Ray Russo, University of Florida
  • Jeroen Tromp, Princeton University

Information about the candidates and the upcoming Annual Meeting of the IRIS Consortium is available at

Your Vote Counts!

  • An election package, including ballot and instructions, was sent to Member Representatives in early November.
  • Voting by mail is strongly encouraged. Mailed ballots must be received at IRIS Headquarters by December 6.
  • Voting in person can be done during the reception prior to the Annual Meeting, however all ballots must be submitted by 7:00 p.m. on December 13.