IRIS Special Event Pages

"Special events" are events considered to be of interest to the seismology, geophysics and geology research community. These pages serve to collect and share preliminary research results. Recent Special Events pages include the earthquakes in Mexico, Hurricanes Irma and Harvey and the North Korea nuclear test. 

We welcome any additional contributions that might be of interest to the research community.

Image: [from Robert Anthony, USGS] Ground acceleration spectrogram for the vertical component of SDDR (Presa de Sabenta, Dominican Republic) from 28 August to 8 September 2017 (UTC). Power Spectral Density (PSD; rel. 1 (m/s2)2/Hz) estimates were attained using the IRIS Noise Tool Kit (NTK) using 2-hour windows with 50% overlap and 1/16th octave smoothing. The M 8.1 Mexico earthquake along with a local (~100 km) M 4.3 event in Haiti, and a 4.5 in the northeast Dominican Republic are noted. Two additional earthquakes (~M 4) located to the east of the Dominican Republic can be seen as transient increases in power between ~1-5 Hz. Station SDDR is located ~100 m from Sabana Yegua Dam and pump noise is quite prevalent at this station. It appears the dam pumps are running continuously as Hurricane Irma passes the Dominican Republic, likely in response to increased runoff into the reservoir. 
