New Animations Illustrate Seismic Signatures

Elk Running

Volcano Monitoring
The IRIS Education and Outreach Program has developed a new animation set, Seismic Signatures, that demonstrates how ground motion recorded by seismograph stations on or near Mount St. Helens volcano reveals different causes. The animations, selected from a video prepared for the Mount St. Helens Institute, shows ground motion from an elk running, a helicopter landing, people walking, a rock fall, a rock break, a regional earthquake, and a teleseismic earthquake. A second set, Volcano Monitoring, shows basic seismic, deformation, and gas monitoring techniques. Prepared in collaboration with the Mount St. Helens Institute, the US Forest Service, the US Geological Survey and EarthScope, these animations are included in new exhibits at the Johnston Ridge Observatory that are commemorating the 30th anniversary of the cataclysmic eruption of May 18, 1980.
The Seismic Signatures and Volcano Monitoring animations can be viewed and downloaded from the IRIS Education and Outreach Animations web page. This initial set of animations will be expanded in the next few months to include animations on deformation and eruptives processes.
Visit the Mount St. Helens Institute web site and the US Geological Survey Mount St. Helens web page to learn more about the volcano, the 1980 eruption and its recovery over the last 30 years.