New Mexico High School Student Receives 2011 IRIS Science Award
Darlene Castillo, recipient of the 2011 IRIS Science Award at Socorro High School, with Rick Aster, Principal Investigator of the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center at New Mexico Tech.
The 5th Annual IRIS Science Award at Socorro High School was given to Darlene Castillo on May 11, 2011. The award consisted of a certificate signed by IRIS Board Chair Brian Stump of Southern Methodist University and IRIS Consortium President David Simpson and was accompanied by a $500 check. Richard Aster, Principal Investigator of the IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center and Professor of Geophysics at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology presented the award on behalf of IRIS at a ceremony at Socorro High School. The IRIS Science Award recipient is selected each year by the science faculty at Socorro High School, in association with Dr. Aster, to honor a graduating senior who has demonstrated exceptional aptitude and career interest in science, engineering, or medicine. Ms. Castillo achieved a GPA of 3.9 at Socorro High School, and will be continuing her education this fall at the University of New Mexico, where she plans to pursue a nursing degree.
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