NSF National Science Board Approves Funding of 2011-2013 IRIS Proposal
On May 11, 2011, the National Science Board (the governing body for the National Science Foundation) released a resolution (NSB-11-28) authorizing development of an award for renewed support of the seismological facilities and programs operated by IRIS to cover the period July 1, 2011 to September 30, 2013.
This resolution is based on NSF review of the proposal "Facilitating New Discoveries In Seismology and Exploring The Earth: The Next Decade" submitted by IRIS to NSF last fall. IRIS will now work with the Instrument and Facilities Program of the Earth Sciences Division to develop a new Cooperative Agreement to begin on July 1.
IRIS thanks NSF for its continued support and looks forward to serving the Earth science communities in the US and abroad by providing high quality facilities and data to support research and education in seismology.
Many thanks to the Board of Directors, Standing Committees, Consortium members and IRIS staff who contributed to the planning and development of the proposal that led to this important decision.