“Summary for Policy Makers” Highlights Social Benefits from Seismological Research

A "Summary for Policy Makers," a four-page brochure drawn from the academic seismology community report Seismological Grand Challenges in Understanding Earth's Dynamic Systems, is now available in both electronic form (4mb PDF) and in print. The summary highlights the social benefits from seismological research and lists some investments for research and education - carried out in universities, the private sector, and government agencies - that are required for further progress. In the summary, research topics are sorted into seven themes related to different policy areas, including "Monitoring the Environment", "Mitigating Natural Hazards", and "Discovering and Mapping Natural Resources". For each theme, there are brief descriptions stating how seismology contributes to society or economic development, references to sidebars in the full report for further information, and a concise list of policy actions that would facilitate broader benefits from seismological research.

The "Summary for Policy Makers" is a useful publication for seismologists who want to explain the importance of their work to legislators, government officials, and other non-scientists. To request printed copies, contact Teresa Saavedra at teresa@iris.edu.