IRIS Justice, Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (JEDI) Working Group Seeks Community Feedback
Dear IRIS Community:
IRIS is committed to advancing justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion within our organization and our larger scientific community. A justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion (JEDI) working group of staff was first convened in September 2020 and meets weekly, with reports made to the IRIS Board of Directors, and on the IRIS JEDI website.
The IRIS JEDI working group is tasked to develop a draft IRIS Anti-Racism action plan, solicit and incorporate community feedback, implement actions, and report on progress for accountability. The scope of activities is through 2023 and includes internal and external stakeholders. This action plan is a living document; feedback on the current document and suggestions of additional actions are encouraged and will be incorporated into ongoing activities.
Questions or comments can be sent to the IRIS JEDI Working Group at
- The IRIS JEDI Working Group